The PC of the beast

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The PC of the beast

Postby RabidYak on Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:40 pm

I finally decided to get out of the ghetto and ordered most of the parts for my new PC today, heres whats coming -

Athlon XP 2200+ Processor
256mb of 333mhz DDR Ram
128mb Gforce 4 Graphics Card
Soundblaster Live! 5.1 OEM
An EPOX motherboard that does all sorts of mad stuff
Top-of-the-line 17" Mitsubishi CRT Moniter
MS Intellimouse Explorer
A cheap-arse standard Keyboard

Not bad eh? Should get a nice framerate out of STUN Runner with that and hopefully will push the Sys21 stuff along at a decent speed in a future MAME.

And to top it off I recovered a pair of CD-Rs I gave to somebody a while ago with what was my MAME ROM collection at the time. Its nowhere near what it was when my HD went, but its a decent amount and has most of the rediculously sized NG shit on it. Time to start the long 56k dial-up road to recovery soon methinks.
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Postby adidas on Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:47 pm

Nice box, but didn't you get a new computer not too long ago?

I'm still on my 700 P3, it's got enough kick for me :P
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Postby RabidYak on Mon Sep 16, 2002 10:02 pm

My current Duron 900 is just about over a year old, but I couldent resist building a badass new PC now. Component prices are though the floor, I can afford to put performance over cost at the moment and my current machine isn't going to be anywhere near good enough to deliver the goods for all the power monster arcade emulation that is just around the corner.

I'll still be keeping my current box for low-end stuff like Internet, Word Processing and Scanning. Keeps all that shit off my new machine to maximise gaming performance.
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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:23 pm

So how much is that lot setting you back?
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Postby RabidYak on Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:31 pm

That lot was just over 750 notes from, pretty much the cheapest place on earth for high-end PC components.

It'll cost me another 200-odd for drives, box and fittings. Pretty steep overall, but not bad considering what you would pay for an off-the-shelf system of similar specification.
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Postby adidas on Tue Sep 17, 2002 3:37 am

I'll stick with playing Pac-Man and Mario Bros. on this old machine :D

It's cheaper that way ;)
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Re: The PC of the beast

Postby KoHC on Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:23 am

Nice setup. Since I'm saving up for "future" PC upgrade (when Doom3 is out), I'll have to stick with my heavy overclockered screamer a bit longer. :?

I'm not sure if the Delta on my CPU will die first or my ears.......
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:30 am

I've never bothered taking the risk of overclocking my P600. I dont think it would really make much difference to it since it pretty much crawls anyway. I'm totally not conviced that its working properly since my brothers P333 runs most stuff faster than it.

I think I'll have to make a decide between getting a basic off the shelf model and upgrading it or buying a new one in bits.

I'll probably go for the first option. Of a similar spec to Yak's but probably an Athlon 2gig with a tasty Geforce 4 or maybe the new generation Nvidia cards I cant remember the name of right now.

Thats a long way off for now though, I've bigger fish to fry right now.
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Postby KoHC on Tue Sep 17, 2002 9:08 am

SH, don't overclock unless you think you can risk losing your computer. Though I'm pretty lucky (overclock since 486 age. Only burn out 2 486 CPU, a 486 motherboard, and few corrupted datas on hard drive), I've seem lots of people destroy their system because of overclocking.

I would suggest people build their own computer instead of buying the shelf model. Most of the shelf models use lower-end parts and it's difficult to upgrade. You might end up replace lots of the parts. If you're not too sure what you want, ask around and you should find some good idea/suggestions.

RabidYak, which 2200+ are you getting? The old TBred or the new one (Rev B)? You might want to ask before you put your money on the CPU. Since I'm too lazy to explain the whole thing, just read this: Make sure you're getting the new Rev.
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Postby RabidYak on Tue Sep 17, 2002 6:46 pm

I'm not really worried wheather its an older 2200+ or a newer revision as long as it still goes like the clappers, its coming with a rather unholy looking heatsink and i've got no intention of hotrodding it.

I'll probably end up replacing it with something quicker in a year or so anyway, the mobo i'm getting seems to have very good foward-compatable prospects.
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Sep 18, 2002 8:18 am

I will probably end up going to since they offer pretty nice packages and you can pick and choose what you want to a certain extent.

I'll probably get the most basic model I can at the specs I want. Take off the monitor and speakers and that kind of thing since I already have those. Dont have room for another whole PC with a monitor along side the one I already have anyway.

I was gonna post an example but the either the site or my work's shitty internet connection is preventing the prices from loading up.
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Postby neon_sonic on Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:01 am

Geez, and I thought I had a good PC, now. :cry:
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Postby Silverhaze on Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:08 am

What do you have Neon?
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