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If you haven?t already.....

Postby Class316 on Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:18 am

Check the xbox news on the main page. It?s pretty fascinating! http://www.pcbboard.com/
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Postby ivwshane on Sat Aug 31, 2002 6:57 am

It looks like in 2001 europe had more babies with two parents instead of one, that's a good thing;)
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Postby adidas on Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:05 pm

Yeah it says their goal is to emulate the Xbox

What they have right now intercepts bits of code evidently, I guess we'll see how this progresses :wink:

Interesting indeed
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Postby RabidYak on Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:10 pm

Even if that is possible, it wouldent even remotly qualify as an emulator.

Well, unless somebody changed to definition to "anything that lets you play stuff from other machine on your PC" when I wasent looking.

Probably not a good idea either. Imagine the flood of thieving warez kiddies it would bring in, not to mention the wrath of Microsoft's legal department.
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Postby Silverhaze on Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:20 pm

Ouch indeed.

Still, even if they did get it going. Can you imagine the graphics card you would need. Anybody that has Halo can recognise that.

The textures are of such a high resolution they are pretty much photo-realistic in a lot places.

And that was a launch title. Just wait til you see Splinter Cell. Cant wait to get that little baby!!!

Family 1 look like Macauly Culkin's (how ever you spell it) family. People like that should be put down LOL Smarmy gits :lol:
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Postby Blue Hawk on Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:30 pm

actually, silverhaze, i hate to break it to you, but the xbox has already seen the best graphics it can do. basically the chip in the xbox is a geforce 2 mx 200 with a pixel shader added to it. and not a good one at that. not to mention, the processor in the xbox is not a p3 like ms claimed. its actually a celery chip. the xbox cannot be upgraded and the developers have done what they can with no avail to getting better graphics our of the system.
the gamecube, on the other hand, can do 2 times as many textures than even a geforce 4! plus its the only console that can do TRUE bump-mapping. i saw two versions of the new turok game running last night- the xbox one running on the ms super enhanced demo tv the game shops have, and the gc one on my friends 32 inch tv. the gc one had better textures and lighting. the xbox had shiny characters, lack of textures, but sluightly faster loading. for once heh. and who said the gc wont be getting any 'M' rated games? what do you call resident evil, eternal darkness (besides just plain EVIL) and turok? its NOT a kiddie system.
i am not bashing the xbox (for once heh) but i am saying that it is a lost cause. ms is losing more money on the system than nintendo is on theirs. shops are offering to sell xboxes for lower than the should be just to get rid of them. i have been in shops that had 40 xboxes, 10 ps2's and NO gamecubes. each system has its srtong points, but nintendo is the smart company stating that they have no need for a new console yet and they wont eed to work on one for e few years, seeing as they havent seen the true potential of the system yet. sony needs a new system to revive that piece of shit called the ps2, and ms should just give up. developers are making games originally designed for the xbox, and changing them to put them on the gc. ms even lost one of their biggest 3rd party companies. EA isnt making most games for the xbox anymore. just the gc and a few for the ps2.
halo? good?! HA! i played the game. horrible control, cheesy graphics, and the sounds were so bad, i was actually GLAD they came over and turned the sound off in the shop.

makes you wonder why i dont want a new console anymore. people trying to force one system on me. i one time literally punched a ps2 fanboy for almost forcing me to buy a ps2. IF i ever get a new console, it might be a gc, but i dont think i will be getting a new console. maybe a gba for golden sun and its sequal.
well, that at least is my 2 cents (shillings?) worth.

wow. the longest post i made here in a long time lol. dont know why i waited to say so much at one point.
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Postby Silverhaze on Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:51 pm

BH I'm sorry to break it to you but you are also talking shit. The sounds in Halo are some of the best heard in a game for a long time.

Ever played the game in Dolby 5.1 and heard a covenant drop ship fly overhead? You can pinpoint a marine calling out to you or an enemy as it comes round a corner and notices you?

I cant believe you never stopped to look at just how well put together the game is. Maybe you played it wanting to dislike it I dunno.

Did you stop to look at the sun through the gently swaying trees? Or watch convenent aliens walking about interacting with eachother when you are nowhere near them? Ever catch one sleeping and talking in its sleep? Ever fire a shotgun on a concrete slope and hear the exact sound you would expect to hear and then look down to see the empty cartridges rolling down the slope.

Probably not, because you were surrounded by aliens that were kicking your arse and you didnt have time to look and notice. But it was all going on regardless of what you were up to. Once you realise that, you realise just how well done Halo is.

Then you can do it all again on co-op mode with a friend! Superb! :D

As you may have gathered, I think Halo is pretty alright.
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Postby Blue Hawk on Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:09 pm

yes i have played the game silverhaze. for 30 minutes. i give games at least that chance. i HATE fps games on consoles. especially ones that need both sticks just to move. i tried to like halo, but there was just something that made me hate the game. sort of like the way i hate diablo and all its clones, except for dungeon siege. that i actually like.
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Postby Silverhaze on Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:38 pm

Using just 1 stick to move is a rediculous system for a FPS on a console. The DC failed with it stick and button combination.

2 sticks is the perfect system for a pad setup. All decent FPSers on consoles use that system. So does max payne actually even though thats not FP. Take Half-Life on PS2, Time Splitters 1&2, Red Faction. Its a completely natural system.

It takes more than half an hour of Halo to get to the really good stuff. Flying in a Banchee and driving about in a tank with a squad of marines onboard gunning the enemy down as you thunder through.

Then you fire the main gun and watch the smoke trail drift slowly on an unseen breeze.

Did you notice the working speedometer in the Warthog? You only see it if you are a passenger in the front and you look down at the dash.

I'm not overly keen on the xbox pad but the triggers and sticks are great for that game. You feel like you are actually pulling a proper gun trigger.

The AI is top notch too and you have to love sticking a plasma grenade to a little alien and watching it run to each of its closest allies screaming 'get it offa me' and then taking a few of em out with him when it goes up.

I dont like Diablo, but my brother does and even though I hate those kind of games I can still appreciate how good they are.
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Postby adidas on Sat Aug 31, 2002 7:21 pm

The Xbox pad sux :p

The two stick system is the best you'll get on any console pad for FPS though. The only thing better is a keyboard/mouse set up. You've got to be able to move back/forth, left/right, and also look up and all around... it's done like this in the PS2 James Bond game. It takes some getting used to for sure, but once mastered it's not bad at all.

I don't have Xbox, PS2, or Gaycube so I don't care which one you guys like :p

The only comment I have about GC is that Super Mario Sunshine wasn't all that great when I played it
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Postby Damian on Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:49 pm

adidas wrote:The only comment I have about GC is that Super Mario Sunshine wasn't all that great when I played it

But you did not like SM64 either, so shall I register my surprise? :D
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Postby Silverhaze on Sun Sep 01, 2002 10:42 pm

I never knew Ad didnt like SM64! Damn that game rocked when it came out. Still does IMO.

I personally am looking forward to SMS.
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Re: If you haven?t already.....

Postby Damian on Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:08 am

So, how relevant are these comments now I wonder? :) Saw this topic in a screenshot I made a while ago for some reason. Halo still photorealistic Haze? Was the GC more powerful than the XBox considering even the wii isn't? (in terms of shaders etc).
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Re: If you haven?t already.....

Postby Silverhaze on Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:10 pm

Hahaha NO.

GC is soft as shite. Could have been great if it had the support.

Halo I suppose was never photorealistic but the grass was bloody amazing at the time!! Remember this was on a 4:3 ratio standard def screen so its bound to look better.
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Re: If you haven?t already.....

Postby ivwshane on Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:38 pm


What the hell did my reply have to do with the tipic?
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Re: If you haven?t already.....

Postby Silverhaze on Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:24 am

Hahaha yeah what the hell were you thinking?! ;)
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Postby Zep on Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:50 am

ivwshane wrote:It looks like in 2001 europe had more babies with two parents instead of one, that's a good thing;)

:lol: :lol:
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