Is it too early to ask for DC games?

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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Silverhaze on Thu Jun 14, 2001 1:59 pm

Well to be honest with you the only interactive movie type game I ever played was some shit for the CDi where you played some guy in the future. I never bothered getting out of the bar that the game starts off in. I've never liked those kind of games.

I did like the fight scenes in shenmue where you have to hit the right buttons at the right times but I got to a bit where you have to find warehouse 7 or something and dodge the security guards. I gave up after finding that each time you get caught you have to sit through a long sequence and lose a whole day. It was hellava frustrating.

Ultra realistic driving games can kiss my arse too. I dont care how good Gran Turismo 3 looks on the PS2, I dont care how many TV screens it supports for all round vision, I dont care how many link ups you can have and I laugh at the fact that the cars dont leave skid marks on the road because if you cant whip out a mini gun or rocket launcher or green shell or banana skin to take out your opponents, then whats the point. You can do it in real life down at Brands Hatch.

The more unrealistic the better I reckon, thats what computer games are all about in my view. Its a fantasy world where you can do what you want. I can go fast in my car but I cant run over pedestrians and smash other cars off the road.

Anyway....what were we talking about again?!?
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Damian on Thu Jun 14, 2001 6:54 pm

Primarily about DC file sizes. PD should know a bit about that as he has downloaded some DC games.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Silverhaze on Thu Jun 14, 2001 7:04 pm

So how does it work? At a guess I would say you have to download all the seperate parts of the game and join them up using Winace or something like that. After that, burn the info to a CD using a specific prog downloaded from F-ck sega and also burn a boot disc which should also be available from that site. After that, use the boot disc and then insert the newly burnt game.

Does that sound about right?
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Damian on Thu Jun 14, 2001 7:18 pm

Certainly might be, have to wait and see what PD says. Why not just download the whole game including the boot sector, and then burn it on. And if need be with some ISO's convert it to cue or something [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Sabin on Thu Jun 14, 2001 8:02 pm

DC games almost always have enough data on them to fill an entire cd pretty well. Some of the ones that take up more than a cd can hold will have downsampled video and music alot of the time to save space. Also, in order to push all the data to the outer edge of the disc where it will be read faster, most groups use a dummy file which is just there to take up space. In other words, a DC game always takes a full cd even if only 130 megs of that is actual game data. And if you really want to get some games, try usenet in alt.binaries.dreamcast. Thas where i headed when i got fed up with sega screwing us over.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Sabin on Thu Jun 14, 2001 8:12 pm

WHEE!!! Capcom VS SNK pro is being postted on udenet right now. So is q-bert, worms world party, marvel vs capcom 2 and hopefull mars matrix soon [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby jurucyber on Fri Jun 15, 2001 1:48 am

You are all fed up with Sega.

Fine.Whatever.Its not their fault the public are so damned obsessed with all things Sony that DC software sales never took off.
Pissed that JSR 2 isnt being ported?

Yeah,because no-one bought the fucking

Oh great,Now Capcom vs SNK is available to download.Now your fucking Capcom too.


I cant believe im the only one here who dosent dig this shit.Hmm,and there are also PS2 isos on that dubious site as well.
Whats to stop you fucking Sony,too?
(they may deserve it,but your only affecting the develpers in the long run).

ah,yeah,Nintendo were assholes in the past,
lets fuck them over now by downloading as many GBA roms as we can! Oh! Im still mad at
Kidtendo,so when Gamecube iso's are available,ill show my disgust at being ripped off for $70 snes carts by downlaoding those too!

Fucking hell.Anyone would think i was serious or something [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby adidas on Fri Jun 15, 2001 2:09 am

Am I the first person that's noticed that on this forum, when you reply, there is no place to view the topic on the next page?

[ 14 June 2001: Message edited by: adidas ]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby adidas on Fri Jun 15, 2001 2:14 am

A friend of mine, according to him, has all but 50 of the DC games, and he has gotten 99.9% of them off of ftp's.

What he says you do:

1. download the iso

2. unpack the media files

3. burn the disc using discjuggler (the newer games are self-boot)

As far as I know, that's all you need to do. I've never attempted it, my connection is too slow for downloading DC. I figure that soon I'll be able to buy DC games at retail stores for even cheaper, so I won't need to. I remember when Saturn games were on clearance at Toys R Us for $5-$10.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Damian on Fri Jun 15, 2001 4:20 am

Adidas, I think that once a topic gets gets past a certain size limit the UBB automatically stops loading the rest to save loading time.

Other, smaller posts in this forum (by size I do not necessarily mean number of posts) do show the previous replies underneath. If you look under this topic you will see a link saying "Click here to Review This Topic" click that and another window will open up with all the previous replies.

Jurucyber, yes it might be wrong to download ISO's of recent machines and the excuse is quite invalid really and could be applied to anything.

I wouldn't really include the GBA in on this however, as it is a portable machine and playing it on a computer is really not like playing the real thing. However burning ISO's and putting them in the Dreamcast is pure piracy. Not that I necessarily condone it, just don't engage in it.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Sabin on Fri Jun 15, 2001 8:02 am

Jurucyber: I wasn't fed up with sega untill they started canning games that they had in the works for the DC. As for capcom vs snk, it has been available for dload since a few weeks before its store release (like every other DC game has been) but i am talking about the no PRO version that is never going to be released in north america. There are no store where i can buy imports anymore that i know of and if you tink i am going to pay the price that online retailers ask after canadian exchange with shipping then you are sadly mistaken. They had planned to cancel the system months before they let the public know and basically screwed everyone who bought their hardware. As for capcom, if they can't be bothered to release the games in north america, i can't be bothered to pay for them.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Sabin on Fri Jun 15, 2001 8:04 am

I'd also like to point out that though i did download some GBA roms, i did delete them (within 24 hours even) and am going to go and buy the system next week like i said in an earlier post. On the other hand, i see no point in supporting a now dead console such as the dreamcast.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby ivwshane on Fri Jun 15, 2001 11:48 am

I would love to have capcom vs snk [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Silverhaze on Fri Jun 15, 2001 1:42 pm

It looked to me as if jurucyber was taking the piss!

Anyway, do you need a burner that writes sub code to burn DC discs? Also, by the sound of what people are saying, you dont need a boot disc either??? Damn I wouldnt mind giving that a go just on the titles that I know I wouldnt buy. I dont really agree with burning games that have barely come out like crazy taxi 2 and the awaited sonic adventure 2 but fuck it, copy off the older games that EB still has the nerve to charge full brand new retail price for. Trick Style for the same price as Confidential Mission???? Piss off!!
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby adidas on Sat Jun 16, 2001 1:52 am

I saw Trick Style for 10$ here. I have the PC rip from a warez site, but I might go for the DC version.

I think you can burn games with any burner that will work with the required software.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Sabin on Sat Jun 16, 2001 3:24 am

Thats a sweet game. I have the pc version rip as well.
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby jurucyber on Sat Jun 16, 2001 6:27 am

SH,Of course i was taking the piss!

Heh,i use roms and emulators like everyone else,and then i post that diatribe?
Im surprised i wasent flamed
Like Damian,sometimes my posts are stuck in April 1st..

But seriously, was JSR 2 EVER announced as Dreamcast release? PlanetHarrier,VirtuaFighter4 were never intended for the DC,and neither was the new Panzer Draggon game.

[ 16 June 2001: Message edited by: jurucyber ]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Damian on Sat Jun 16, 2001 7:33 am

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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby jurucyber on Sat Jun 16, 2001 2:48 pm

There you go,your majesty!

Yeah,i did mispell your name.I left out
the 666.... [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
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Is it too early to ask for DC games?

Postby Pdaimaoh on Sat Jun 16, 2001 3:46 pm

Damian, why do I see you talking about me knowing jack about DC piracy? I just started not more than a few weeks ago
I think it's obvious to look towards Sabin, I'm almost certain I read him talking about Vamp Chronicles back at Emux...

Vamp Chronicles also sucks, in my opinion, what it added over the Saturn Vamp Savior is shit, I guess I miss out on some of it since I can't netplay capcom games in america

and no one gives a shit if you pirate GBA, nintendo themselves already said it...the games are meant to be played on a PORTABLE system, so if you play on a PC, you are missing what they made it for, so big deal...
(funny, I wouldn't consider RPGs to be portable friendly)

oh yeah, regardless of WHY sega fucked the DC for the sequel to JGR, I don't care about that, it's the fact that they ANNOUNCED IT, and then never really took it away, it just kind of magically "shifted" platforms

which isn't the case, JGR2 was NEVER in the works for the DC, so it's a principle thing more than a "dammit I wish the DC was more popular" thing
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