I'm selling 2 LCD monitors

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I'm selling 2 LCD monitors

Postby Zep on Sat May 05, 2007 9:23 pm

http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/zep5960 (under for sale listings)

Two 19" monitors for sale (1 is widescreen) posting here in case somebody is interested. I'll knock off some of the delivery charge if you mention the PCB Arcade board :)
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue May 08, 2007 6:08 pm

I'll ask around some friends too mate. Im not in the market for an LCD right now but I'll see if anybody else is.
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Postby Zep on Tue May 08, 2007 11:46 pm

Cheers Haze mate. The widescreen monitor is pending a sale but the Benq is still up for grabs. Sad to see it go but hey...
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed May 09, 2007 4:33 pm

Whats brought this on then? The purchase of a HDTV?

Personally I like to keep my monitors and HDTV seperate. I've found that even though my PC has a special HDTV setting it still doesnt look great and the screen is just too bloody big to play games like C&C on. The res isnt really high enough either. Games and films and things do look good on it so I wheel it into the bedroom every so often but with a lot of my fave games having no widescreen support or not working properly when you do enable it....(Im looking at YOU Flatout 2) I havent messed around too much with it.

What TV did you get btw? I didnt go too large as its a bedroom TV so I settled on an LG 32" black gloss TV with the speakers on the sides. I love it!!
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Postby RabidYak on Thu May 10, 2007 10:31 pm

On the topic of monitors, I recently replaced my aging 17" Mitsubishi CRTs with a pair of 22" Samsung widescreen LCDs. Mofos wern't cheap, but they've got a 2ms refresh rate and a 3000:1 contrast ratio at 1680x1050. The only downside is that my bench vibrates slightly when I play bass heavy music now that there isn't half a ton of monitor to weigh it down.

As far as non-widescreen games on widescreen displays go, its not bothered me since the nVidia drivers have a setting in them which pillarboxes 4:3 resolutions so that they don't get stretched out of ratio across a 16:9 or 16:10 screen.
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri May 11, 2007 12:56 pm

Yeah I understand what you mean Yak but the whole reason for me hooking my PC up to my HDTV was that I could play games in widescreen. Otherwise I might aswell play them on a standard 4:3 screen. I was dissapointed to find so many games havent gone for the widescreen res options yet.
I tried Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 which I love despite its numerous bugs and although it had a resolution I could use it still looked distorted. Also due to the relatively low res of the TV when compared to a PC monitor the text was often difficult to read.

Flatout 2 was my main dissapointment but that will all be forgiven when the much anticipated (by me anyway) Xbox360 version: Flatout: Total Carnage reaches UK shores. I cant frikkin wait!! 8 player madness and simultanious play on the ragdoll minigames!! Oh yeah!!
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Postby Zep on Sun May 13, 2007 6:19 pm

I bought a Samsung LE26R74BDX - 26'' HD Ready LCD TV http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASI ... /ref=nosim

It was the best quality 26" I could get. Just played through Resident Evil 4 on it and it was bloody amazing, a nice step up from the 19" monitors, even though the resolution is a little bit lower.

I've had to sell the monitors because I need some quick cash- I'm starting my own gardening/landscape business and need a licence to drive the work van. For £499 I can do a 1 week intensive driving course. The only problem with being a musician is that there is a lot of "waiting around", so gardening is a good way to keep healthy and stuff.
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Postby RabidYak on Sun May 13, 2007 11:44 pm

I've been learning how to drive for 18 months and I just bombed my first test in spectacular style, so i'd have my doubts that you can learn from scratch and pass it in a week. I might just suck at it though, I should of learnt when I was at college instead of laying around in bed and playing dodgey Playstation versions of Street Fighter Alpha.

On Widecreen support in games, the last few FPS games I played before I got the hump with the genre had it and Supreme Commander does as well. I've not seen it in anything that isn't in the upper levels of game technology on release though, folks really need to pull thier finger out and start making it a standard feature. The same needs to be done with multithreading as well now that multi core processors are the standard for any computer worth owning.
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Postby Zep on Mon May 14, 2007 9:28 am

Yak, you just proved a point I was trying to make the other day. Video games DO NOT improve driving skills. How could they? They are so intense these days.

But yeah, I have had no problems with widscreen gaming thus far.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue May 15, 2007 5:25 pm

Ahem....first time passer here!! ;);)

LOL Shameless gloating aside I passed when I was about 17 and its definitely easier the younger you are.
My missus bombed out in spectacular style too Yak, its all part of the learning experience really and you'll be more comfortable the next time round.
ALso yes, driving games help fk all towards learning to drive. My nephew helped proove that point to me when he asked me how I could drive a car without a rev counter. How do you know when to change gear?!?!?! LOL

Aww bless!

Even when I have a rev counter its just a needle that moves around and I ignore it completely! Its just one of those things you know!
Clutch control is non existent in games and the only similarities I can think of are the flappy paddle gear changers some cars have as opposed to a stick. That could be similar to shoulder buttons I guess but the similarities stop right there.
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Postby RabidYak on Tue May 15, 2007 5:46 pm

I'd say that its probably a good thing that games don't infuence real driving considering that about 25% of my game driving mileage is on Carmageddon and Chase HQ.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue May 15, 2007 9:02 pm

Nowt wrong with mowing down a few peds every now and then! You're allowed 2 even on your test! :D
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