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What PC games is everyone playing?

Postby Damian on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:05 am

I have had a dabble with wOw and Oblivion over the last few months, planning to dwelve into battle for middle earth 2 as soon as it arrives in the... post.

What has caught your fancy recently?
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Postby were on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:58 am

meaning to go back to playin wow, i just havent got the compute rpower to play any new pc games.

other than that, im also done playin dragonquest 8 on ps2(yeah its old, but i got the game cheap) :roll:
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Postby mr rom on Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:44 am

Mostly Need For Speed Underground 2.
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Postby adidas on Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:00 pm

I saw a review of Prey, maybe you could try that out if you're up for some FPS

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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:00 am

LoTR Battle for Middle Earth 2
Age of Empires 3
Flat Out 2
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Postby RabidYak on Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:30 pm

Nothing at the moment, but I might pick up Prey or Darkstar One next time i'm near a gaming outlet. I'm dubious about both though, i've been burnt out on FPS games for ages since all the non-WW2 games since the jump to the current engines have bored me to tears and Darkstar is apparently in need of some bugfixing.

Theres nothing i'm really looking foward to until Supreme Commander though, which isn't out until next year. I'll be giving Sam'n'Max a miss until they have the all the episodes out and for sale in one pack.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:26 am

Pah always so negative! ;)

Im kinda looking forward to the Half Life 2 - Episode 2 pack. I got hold of Titan Quest the other day which I have to install and play as that looks a bit nifty.

Prey on the PC is a lovely game but its short. It uses the engine in ways I've never seen before and the gravity puzzles are good fun if a little disorientating at times. I'm pretty good with FPS games but even this one managed to make me feel just a little queasy at times which is the effect they were trying to achieve.

Gets tough towards the end but the spirit world feature trivialises death a bit but its a guarantee that you WILL finish the game even if you suck at it.

Some lovely touches but dont get the collectors pack as its not worth it.

As for the X360 we have Saints Row and Dead Rising coming out. I tried Saint's Row on Damian's 360 and wasnt really that taken with it but Dead Rising should be a hoot!

Oh and I've been told to avoid Bad Day LA too. Demo is out if you want to torture yourself ;)
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Postby RabidYak on Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:01 am

I'll have to give Prey a go then, sound like it might be worthwhile after the monotony of FEAR and Q4.

I've already got Dead Rising on preorder, the marketplace demo was one of the most entertaining things i've played in ages.

Not tried Saints Row, I usually find ghetto themed games more annoying then entertaining. Not to mention that I can see illiterate ethnic types commiting crime and talking bollocks in my local town centre without paying £40.
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Postby Class316 on Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:22 pm

Yea I am playing Prey it's pretty good and has some unique concepts. I guess the spirit world is better then saving and loading all the time.
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:32 am

Yeah they did try to eliminate the need to quicksave all the time but Im not sure they nailed it properly. It works though and Im happy with that.

I think I should tell Yak that they did commit a cardinal sin in the eyes of video game gods though. You get a freeze gun in this game and what are you supposed to be able to do in any game that lets you freeze things? Why shatter them of course! But not here unfortunately.

Did I mention the game's unusual ending? Definitely unlike any other game I've played really and quite refreshing.

Yak did you work out what to do in the Dead Rising demo? I found it quite dull with no particular direction to head in. I need goals!!!
I found there was no indication of what way to go and the scoop things didnt really offer up any clues. I just found myself wandering about and once walked outside to see the Jeep boss and once walked into a cinema where some looney was swinging a sword about and screaming about redemption or something I dunno. Anyway, I kept ending up unarmed or with some stupid heavy weapon like a shop till or something.

Im getting the full game despite its downfalls but Im hoping it gives you a little more direction than the demo does. Demo feels more like you should be running around just killing zombies with random things but I couldnt find too many random things.
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Postby RabidYak on Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:12 pm

Whats the point of the freeze gun if you can't shatter them, does it just stop them moving so you can shoot them as normal?

As for the Dead Rising demo, there isn't any actual objective to it as far as I can see. Its just there to show off the main selling point of the game, which is having a non-linear shopping centre full of stuff to kill zombies with in amusing ways. The actual game obviously has points to it though since you can see the mission log thing in the demo and you get cutscenes of other people when you try to go outside the area.

Try the sports shop if you want a laugth - bowling balls, baseball bats, golf equipment and skateboards. You can get guns off of Police zombies if you find them and the resteraunts have stuff you can use like frying pans and cans. The stuff in the other shops is pretty much just there for novelty value, like the big lego masks in the toyshop that you can put on the zombies and the coathangers in the clothes shops that you can stuff in thier mouths.
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Postby Silverhaze on Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:58 am

Oh Yak I should have mentioned!!


Dude it came out yesterday and man I cant wait to get home and download that!!

Thanks for the Dead Rising pointers, I'll give it another go and do a bit more exploring.

The freeze gun in Prey does not allow you to shoot them either. It simply freezes them solid and then they fade away like the other dead bodies. Crap huh?
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Postby RabidYak on Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:38 pm

Sounds like a waste of space then, they should have just used some sort of normal gun if wern't going to bother implementing anything specific to a freeze weapon.

I tried Just Cause, but it didn't really grab me. The seamlessness is good and its got some decent gimmicks, but i've never particularly liked TPS games and I couldent get on with the controls.
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Postby KoHC on Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:46 am

Romance of Three Kingdoms 11
Civilization 4 + Exp
and maybe a little CS:S

I can't play any MMORPG anymore. I just don't have time to sit in front of my computer 2-3 hours just to finish one quest. I'm tempting to download Titan Quest because most people told me its just DiabloII in better graphic. Which is good enough for me. :lol:
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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:06 am

Well I've completely changed my opinions!!

Just Cause on the X360 is bloody great!!! I wasnt overly keen at first because the controls are a bit soggy feeling and the physics is more than a little floaty in cars but I got over that. The sheer freedom and beauty of the game as well as a different story and a slightly new twist on the GTA looking games too.

Just the ability parachute from a chopper, jump to the roof of a car, steal it, jump back on the roof, deploy parachute, fly up and freefall to a passing chopper. Grab the chopper, swing inside and boot the pilot out fly to a new destination, freefall for a bit and then parachute into a boat to chase a new target and all without even once touching the ground!! Thats awesome!!

The fight mechanics are ok too but I found the default dual pistols to be more effective than machine guns.

Definitely getting this game. I want to see what crazyness it has on offer!!

Dead Rising - Played more, found sports shop, went bowling LOL
Totally loving it now!!! The coathangers, the golf clubs and balls!! Everything!! Had a great time wandering round killing zombies this time and cant wait for the full game.

Saints Row - Well having been playing GTA SA again for a bit I tried this again and really enjoyed it!! Yeah the frame rate isnt superb but GTA warmed me up for this and its a lot smoother than Rockstar's effort.
I know its tiny in comparison but the city feels so much more alive! People interract better with you, cars indicate before they turn and random shit goes on everywhere!

We went on a hit n run rampage and saw some interesting results. One where a guy ran to escape us and just before we hit him he jumped up and climbed a fence. Another where we stopped just short of running a woman down and she collapsed onto the floor with her legs splayed and rocked back and forth blubbing to herself before pulling herself together and running away.
Its got physics that blow GTA away completely too and the cars handle in a more realistic way. The people do too as they ragdoll over your car bonnet and bounce off in different directions, sometimes into eachother.
Finally, the last thing I noticed was that hitting a solid object hard enough in a car will send you through the windscreen. Nice touch.

I liked it a fair bit and may consider the full game when it comes out too.

KoHC - I downloaded Titan Quest and its awesome! Some of the best graphics I've seen in an intro in quite a while too. THing is....I downloaded v1.1 and all the patchers I've found since havent worked. I cant find a no-cd patch for version 1.11 so I've had to stick with v1.08 and the patchers all say they encountered a problem right at the end of patching. Im stuck with 1.1 and it crashes and really slows up when you walk into a cave! So much so that the normal beasties almost kill you!
If you download and manage to patch it please let me know how because I really want to play this game some more!! Magic looks damn cool and the graphics are great!
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Postby Zep on Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:10 pm

Been playing Pro Evolution Soccer 5 a lot recently.

Tony Hawks American Wasteland, Devil May Cry 3 SE, Diablo 2 LOD. I just got a new beat em up today called Guilty Gear XX #Reload. I have only played it for about 10 minutes so far but I like what I see, definately "up there" with King Of Fighters series and Capcoms Vs series (still no match for SF2 Turbo though).
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:30 am

Well I would be playing games but with a fux0r3d PC Im not doing much at the moment. I think I might buy myself Saints Row today as a consolation prize for having a stinker of a PC right now.

Its a loooooooong story I wont go into right now :D
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Postby Zep on Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:32 am

reformat time perhaps? I'd get myself a nice external USB hard drive so you can back everything up easy and just wipe the hard drive, nothing better than a clean PC.
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Postby RabidYak on Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:58 pm

I got MK6 in the post today, so i'll be giving that a good thrashing until Dead Rising turns up. I missed it when it first came out because the cube version wasent released here, but the XB version was included in the recent 360 back compatability update and I got it from play.com for a mere £8.
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:47 pm

Way ahead of you there Yakko!

Already bought a 250gig external USB drive and formatted the bastard. Still wont play movies though and Im just about at a loss as to what to do about it.

Im really not in the mood at the moment so Im not going to tackle it for a little while. If it comes to it Im prepared to replace most of the bits inside it just for some bloody peace of mind.

I just got back from buying Saints Row so Im going to be having fun with that most of the weekend although I may wander into the computer room for a little while just to kick the PC a few times for being a cunt.

Excuse my language but thats how I feel about it right now. :evil:
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Postby Damian on Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:27 pm

What issues is it having? Perhaps we can offer some solutions.

I have barely played any of Saints Row or Dead Rising, might get in a few sessions next week. I did reinstall B&W2 though, and have been playing back through it.
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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:38 pm

Its ok the techy guys at my mistress forum helped me but I fixed it on my own in the end since they couldnt work it out either.

basically out of nowhere I was getting BSOD over and over sometimes straight after startup sometimes ages after.
Reinstalled many drivers and then XP wouldnt start at all. Gave me the list for Safe Mode etc and then reset itself back to that list everytime.

Reinstalled XP about 3 times over the top of the current installation.

Couldnt play any movie files, just got sound and a black screen despite having ALL codecs needed and being told so by applications that tested them.

Then the final straw was FEAR just stopped working for no reason. Crashed out on loading and no patching or reinstallation made any difference at all.

That was it. Went out and bought an external USB 250gig, backed the mofo up and wiped the fucker out.

Reinstalled everything recently but still have barely nothing on there at all other than 1 game and my music applications. Oh and that great free unzipping prog you suggested Damian.....ultimate zip or something??
Also have Alcohol 120% for disc image installation and thats it.
And after all that it stopped giving me endless BSOD because I had the smarts to fuck off the shitty onboard LAN with my nForce 4 Ultra mobo and put in a NIC from my old P600 but it still wont play movies.
None at all!! Not mpeg, avi, DVD NOTHING!!!
All I get is sound and black screens until this morning when I had a thought and turned on my second monitor to see all my movies playing fine.

Yeah I dont get it either but its pretty fine now!

I can spend the upgrade money on an LCD tv or something but I want to upgrade it just a little bit. Better graphics and PSU at least.
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Postby KoHC on Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:31 am

I can't find any no-cd patch for Titan Quest V.1.1 either. I guess I'll wait til patch is available (currently busy taking over the world in civilization 4 :lol: ).
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