Blu-Ray drives pushed back to August

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Blu-Ray drives pushed back to August

Postby Silverhaze on Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:41 am

Sony has revealed that its BDP-S1 Blu-Ray disc player will now be launching in mid-August, and not later this month as previously suggested - with electronics giant Pioneer also announcing a delay for its own player.

According to the Sony Style website, the BDP-S1 will now ship “on or about August 15, 2006.” The USD 1000 player was originally given a June 30th launch date, which was later changed to July.

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Now I dont really care when these things come out because theres no fucking way I'd ever spend $1000 just to play a fucking movie no matter how nice it looks. Who are they trying to kid here?? THis must be some sort of lame move my Sony to make people think the PS3 is a better deal but who remembers the issues PS2 had with playing DVDs? I certainly remember the old 'Unable to read disc' messages half way through a film.
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Postby RabidYak on Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:05 pm

DVD players were similar money when they first came out, give it 9 years and you'll be able to pick these things up for £50 assuming the format doesent get slayed by HD-DVD.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:57 pm

Heres hoping eh!!

I've got no time for Blu-ray. Any format like that created by one company with a desire to corner the HD market like that deserves to go down the pan.

Make the media playable on a whole host of different products and its a totally different story.
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Postby RabidYak on Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:16 pm

As much as the format war sucks for the consumer, its going to be an interesting couple of years in business and the markets.

Sony are playing a dangerous game with the PS3, they are using it as the cornerstone of thier strategy against HD-DVD at the same time that they are arrogantly telling gamers to shut up and buy it reguardless of how much it costs. If there is a big enough backlash against the PS3, then they are going to have to fight HD-DVD mainly in the home entertainment market with players that are $400 more then competing hardware and discs that cost more to produce.

They might have better studio backing at the moment, but that'll dry up overnight if they don't build a significant lead over HD-DVD within the next 12-18 months.
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Postby Class316 on Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:12 pm

Yea the format wars actually ensure DVDs will be around for the foreseeable future. I for one will sit this one out.

When there's a winner, and when you can burn them like you can CDs and DVDs, then I'm in.
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