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Postby Zep on Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:23 pm

Does anybody here like fighting? I'll tell you now that I really think it's just not for me. Punching somebody in the face just wont solve the deep deep psychological problems that I have (well not that deep).

The reason that I bring this up is that in the past five days or so I have witnessed two fights.

The first involved me, my mate and a cunt barman at the Good Mixer Pub on Sunday in Camden. My friend and I were playing pool and drinking when this prick starts giving my mate hassle. My best mate (this big Australian) had knocked the pool tavle to knock the black ball out of the hole. Anyway, this prick walks from behind the bar and tries to headbutt my mate without success. Being a friend I had no option but to punch the son of a bitch bar man in the nose, but only because I was still high and awake from the night before and because the Australin is my BEST mate. Before I know it all three of us are in a scuff and we hurt this bar man a lot. I ended up ith a fat lip and a wobbly tooth which are both okay now.

My question is: WTF is a barman headbutting customers without warning?

The second fight I saw yesterday.

This white kid and a black kid were fighting in the street with two coppers WATCHING them. The white kid who was about 17-18 years old was kicking the living shit out of this poor black kid who was literaly sitting teeth out. The white kid was screaming, (Class will like this): "I fight for my country. White power you fuck. I've been fighting for my country for 16 years."
The two coppers didn't do A THING. The first was a man who was about 50 years old and the other was a young lady who looked as though it was her forst day. That didn't do a goddamn thing and let the kids run off in different directions.

Question: What the fuck are these people doing on the police force protecting you and me from people who are willing to strap bombs to their chests?


the Zeppo says: Fighting+War=A rush experience but BAD.
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:43 am

I have to agree with you Zep.

I havent got into a fight since I was at school but I've been in a few near experiences and seen a few too and it turns my stomach.

Only being a little fella I do wish that I could do some sort of martial art so I could properly defend myself and batter some ignorant prick determined to nick my stuff but I prefer to keep myself out of trouble. I'd like to be able to ask ignorant pricks to turn down their mobile phones on public transport without fear of getting a gang turning on me and stuff like that because I think people need a voice that can back itself up to make other people realise what they are doing.
Most people just sit there and put up with other people but if somebody was to stand up to the offenders they would have the backup of many of the other people, its just that nobody has the confidence in their abilities to actually stand up to these cunts in the first place.
I also dont really go out drinking because in my experience it just winds people up and makes them think they are invincible. Or it just turns them aggressive and either way things can turn nasty very quickly.

I dont understand people that like to hurt other people. Its one thing to give your mate a dead leg but to hospitalise somebody!?!? Take people like bouncers, they just love to break noses and knock out teeth and I just dont get it!! That sort of thing makes me sick to my stomach.

And thats my opinion on fighting.
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Postby Pdaimaoh on Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:23 pm

I've been in a few fights over the years, and they all SUCKED. Looking back, even the ones I dominated, I still got punched good and hard and I don't like it. My problem seemed to be letting the other guy punch first, as though that was a good excuse to punch back. Sometimes that would lead to me getting beat down so hard I wished I could cry out in the open.

Getting socked hard is painful, and I'm not into that. On the other hand, I don't like backing down because that's also painful. These days I like to think I'm a lot smarter at avoiding the fights but maybe I'm just really never in the mood to get punched ever again.

I've had a few co-workers get shady on me, and I say something like "fuck off and leave me alone" and then it turns to them saying "you wanna fight about it?"
Of course I don't. What are you? stupid? I want you to leave me the fuck alone.

That said, I've never felt all that bad when I did punch someone. I mean they punched me first!
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