Scouser and the Indian

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Scouser and the Indian

Postby Silverhaze on Tue Jan 07, 2003 10:52 am

A scouser is on holiday in Arizona USA. He's staying in a remote frontier
type town and walks into a bar .
He orders his drink and sits down at the bar when he notices this Native
American Indian, dressed in full regalia, feathered head dress, tomahawk,
spear the lot, sitting in the corner under a sign saying' Ask me anything'
The scouser is intrigued and asks the barman about him. 'Oh , we call him
the memory man, He knows everything' Says the barman.'What do you mean he
knows everything ? ' Asks the scouser. 'Well , he knows every fact there is
to know and he never , ever forgets anything! '
'Yeah right' says the scouser.
'If you don't believe me, try him out. Ask him anything, and he'll know the
'all right' says the Scouser and walks up to the Memory Man.
'Where am I from ?'
'Knotty Ash, Liverpool, England' says the Red Indian. And he was right. all
right says the scouser, that was easy you probably recognised my accent.
won the 1965 FA Cup Final?'
'Liverpool' says the memory man quick as a flash.
'Yes and who did they play?'
'Leeds United' again without blinking
'And the score?'
'2-1'says the memory man without hesitation.
'Pretty good ,but I bet you don't know who scored the winning goal?'
'Ian St John' says the Indian in an instant.
Flabbergasted the tourist continues on his holiday and on his return to
Birkenhead tells all and sundry about the amazing Memory Man. He just can't
get him out of his mind and so he vows to return and find him again and pay
him his due respect . He saves his dole money for years and finally twelve
years later he has saved enough and returns to the states in search of the
memory man. He searches high and low for him. And after two weeks of trying
virtually every bar and town in Arizona he finds him sitting in a cave in
the mountains , older, greyer and more wrinkled than before but still
resplendent in his warpaint and full regalia. The scouser, duly humbled
approaches him and decides to greet him in the traditional manner..
The memory man squints at the scouser.
'Flying header in the six yard box.'
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Postby RabidYak on Wed Jan 08, 2003 1:21 am

LOL, makes a change to hear a new joke for once. The next person who tries to tell me the Bush/Clinton/Bush Sadam/Taliban Bagdad/Afganistan buttons on chair joke is going to get a smack in the face.
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Jan 08, 2003 10:11 am

LOL Yeah tell me about it Yak man!
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