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A couple of baby mix up jokes

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:17 pm
by Class316
An Arab, a Jewess, and an African gave birth at the same time. The nurse came out crying saying she mixed the babies up and she doesn?t know who is for who.

So the doctor gets the three dads together and explains the situation. He takes the three dads to see the three babies!

Without any question, the Arab grabs the African baby!

Everyone looks puzzled as the doctor says ?This is the darkest baby of the lot?, I would think yours would be one of the lighter skinned ones?.

Then the Arab replies ?yes, but one of these babies is Jewish and I don?t want to take the chance?


PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:18 pm
by Class316
A German, a Jewess, a Mexican, and an American gave birth at the same time. The nurse came out crying saying she mixed the babies up and she doesn?t know who is for who.

The Doctor says there?s a very easy way to determine which baby is which.

Just put a quarter on the table and shout out ?Heil Hitler?

The one that stands up and salutes ?SIEG HEIL? is the German

The one that craps his pants will be the Jew

And the American will give the Mexican the quarter so he can clean up the crap.
