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Time for another new nose

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 1:15 pm
by Damian
Problem is, everytime they make another alteration; it seem to get worse. Maybe they should rip the whole thing off and just insert a replica (or have they already)?



PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 1:49 pm
by Pdaimaoh
I bet his face is totally fake by now
probably lost the real thing back when he got into the whole restructural surgery thing, tried some crazy new technique not approved by general practicioners, and all the original flesh just kinda slagged off

now his 'new' flesh is not structurally sound, and is given to breaking down, as well as whatever cartilage replacements they fitted on there...

or maybe all this time he's been wearing a super tight mask that forces his facial features to change (as well as to make him look lighter) and the mask was just falling apart in that shot

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:17 pm
by Silverhaze
That goatee looks awful!! Do yourself a favour and shave it off now!!