So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Thu Aug 16, 2001 2:02 am

As you can tell by the number of posts I've done today I'm pretty bored. Anyway I was just wondering where everyone is from, I don't need the exact location but like what country and region. Also I would like to know how everyone feels about thier country, whether it be about the government or it's people.

I'll go first;

I from the U.S.A. and I live on the west coast in northern California
I feel like this country is ran by a dictatorship and no one's voice matters but the minority. I am really dissapointed in our government and all the different departments running their own secret operations and spending hundreds of billions of dollars (for non U.S. people thats a lot of money [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]) on millitary when there are plenty of other good uses for it. I'm upset by the fact that a majority of the U.S. population voted for Al Gore and yet George Bush still won. I don't know if it's just me but I also feel like the national intelligence level is well below the world average (and dropping). I'm also confused by how much pay people get, the more your job effects people's quality of life the less you get paid (ie; teachers, policeman). I also don't understand why a 10' cat5 cable costs $30 or why popcorn at a movie theatre is over $4.

Well that was my little rant. Basically I'm going to gather all this data and based on the information you guys provide I'll move to a better county if there is such a thing. Don't get me wrong though I'm not anti U.S.A. I just don't like seeing things being wasted.
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby jurucyber on Thu Aug 16, 2001 2:57 am

Dont come over here to live;we have inherited your country's litigation culture "You served me coffee 2 degress too hot! Im suing you!!",Law and order has broken down,Bars and Pubs close way to early,and encourage people to consume more alcohol in a shorter space of time than if the drinking establishments were open for longer,Child murderers and IRA scum are released yet you can be sent to jail for
non- payment of the Television licence,
Crap tv,Lager lout culture that dominates the poor residents of Spain ,Huge influx of refugees who allegedly get priority treatmnet and know how the screw the benfit system,Foot and Mouth (it hasent gone away,Tony),Loss of mostly all our manufacturing industry and a few other things that piss me off.

Apart from that,its not so bad. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Thu Aug 16, 2001 6:21 am

That's one down.
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby Silverhaze on Thu Aug 16, 2001 1:59 pm

England?? Pah!!

Same argument as jurucyber for the most part. I too am seriously getting pissed off with the gangs of Kosovan blokes that hang around in gangs intimitating people. Dressed in brand new designer clothes and getting more benefit money than my poor sister with 2 kids. And where are all the women and children?!? Its all young men, surely they shouldnt get priority.

Prices are through the roof especially in cinemas. They've just axed the big bags of M&Ms and Minstrels for plastic pots that hold a third less and cost twice as much.

You've got more chance of dying on public transport than you would have if you walked to work on the motorway (freeway for the benefit of any Americans).

Weather is shit all the time and we get 2 weeks of nice sun a year and rarely any snow in the winter.

Lager lout culture and fight before talk attitudes all over the place.

Arsehole groups of rude boys with the most unconvincing jamaican accents walking round trying to intimidate and rob people. They are the most racist people of all but are always first to play the race card in any situation. The sentence 'Oi white boy, is it cos I is black' springs to mind.
Of course, racism isnt a factor when its the minority group using it. Whats the difference between saying Oi whiteboy! And Oi blackboy? Probably about a night in a police cell for racial hatred.

Um um good points?? Good points??

Cant really think of much at all. Ahh the rave scene but even that is being overrun by moody hoods standing in dark corners.

Ok you wont get locked up for getting caught with a bit of weed unless its a big bit. Thats about it! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

What a mighty rant! CAn anybody beat that?

I wanna live in Norway where the women are all beautiful, the summer is sunny and the winter is snowy. Perfect!
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Thu Aug 16, 2001 2:12 pm

That's two. Norway sounds nice, I was also thinking about Germany or even the Check republic (I've been there and thought they were quite nice).
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby adidas on Fri Aug 17, 2001 1:59 am

I'm from Cleveland, Ohio.

I hate this country's politics, period.

I hate the bullshit Supreme Court decisions that are handed down by people who are completely out of touch with the common man. Yet, the decisions that are handed down effect the common man exclusively.

I hate our foreign policies. For some reason the government thinks they should butt in on everybody's business, ignorantly spending money overseas while complaining that the US government doesn't have enough money.

I hate the police. I see police break the same laws they were hired to enforce everyday. From drugs to running red lights, a large portion of them are hypocrites.

I hate the media, who tells you what they want you to know, and shows you what they want you to see. The only thing they deal in is sensationalism, and they've shaped people's minds how they want them to be shaped.

And Yeah, I'd like to at least visit Norway, as I have heritage there and it looks like quite a beautiful country from the pictures my aunt brought to me.

[ 16 August 2001: Message edited by: adidas ]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby Silverhaze on Fri Aug 17, 2001 5:39 am

Germany is full of germans. I'm not going as nobody has a sense of humour. Well, not like us over here at least lol [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

Czech Republic for some reason strikes me as being rather barren and a bit war torn. THats probably completely wrong but if I could live the life I pleased I would live somewhere where you can do plenty of snowboarding and snow blading and where you can visit the beach on nice hot days. Lottery please!! I'd have a cabin in the french alps and a studio in some hot ass country that I could jet back and forth to anytime I wanted.

Gotta have a pad in Amsterdam too though. That place rules!!

[ 16 August 2001: Message edited by: Silverhaze ]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Fri Aug 17, 2001 7:13 am

That's another strike against the U.S., I'll give you a foul tip on that one silver (that's a reference to american baseball). I forgot about Switzerland, Denmark, and Scandanavia. Jucy, was that a no for Norway?
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby Pdaimaoh on Fri Aug 17, 2001 7:20 am

every country has it's share of problems and stupidity

the planet average for intelligence is fairly low
if you can read and write at least one language, I think you beat out over half the planet on that
since you read/watch the news, it puts you even higher on the chain
but there's no country chock full of really smart people, and you only run into idiots once in a great while, that's just the way humans are

I live in Ohio, I don't like a lot of what my country does, but I've yet to find other countries that don't have some equally sucky problem

europe constantly gets screwed out of videogames far worse than the US gets screwed out of them

I rarely vote so I don't bitch about who gets where, but it's sad that we finally run into a case where the electoral college is shown to be fucked up foolish, and what happens?
cause everyone is too complacent, or all their energy went into bitching instead of doing something to get it to change

travelling will get you a lot of experience, but I doubt you find large sweeping differences in other countries
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby Silverhaze on Fri Aug 17, 2001 1:32 pm

Oh man! If you have the money then Norway should be a definate visit. I had the odd clash with the thrash death kill your family metalers as I am a nice calm easy going raver who has never felt the desire or been asked to kill anybody with an axe by any of my music.

Once you talk to them you discover that they are just frustrated teenagers. Think about it, what does norway have for them to do. The population is concentrated into a few smallish areas with mountains and fjords everywhere else. They're bored!

If you want evidence of this then go to this site and see what they like to get up to in these brilliant videos.

Its a very expensive country especially for alcohol so if you ever visit family there take loads of duty free with you and they will love you for it. DEfinately worth a visit if you ever get the chance especially in the winter if you dont get a lot of snow where you live.

I'm travelling in Jan or Feb to Australia, not sure if we are gonna visit any other places on the way but I'll make stops to internet cafés and keep you lot updated on my travels and what I've found out.

Oh yeah, another thing about Norway. The national average in female looks. Shit I think I fell in love about 15 times and I was only there for 4 days! Christ on a bike!! I aint exagerating either.

[ 17 August 2001: Message edited by: Silverhaze ]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby jurucyber on Fri Aug 17, 2001 5:12 pm

Norway,Home of the Black Metal scene of course.Dont go too morning mass in a church over there,its more than likely to be burned down,with you still in it!! :d

Thats media sensationalism, for you.As if everyone into that scene went around doing that,i dont think so.

Switzerland,Denmark and most of Scandanavia are really nice places to visit.


[ 17 August 2001: Message edited by: jurucyber ]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Sat Aug 18, 2001 4:41 am

I'm there!
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby Silverhaze on Sat Aug 18, 2001 4:12 pm

Yeah I agree totally. I've never liked metal myself but I dont think any different of anybody that does like it.

Its just those weirdos that weird me out! I saw a program on these fucked up vampire people in america recently where they were drinking cups of eachothers blood to all this extreme kill your family death black metal stuff. Now thats fucked up!!
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby jurucyber on Sat Aug 18, 2001 5:03 pm

I wasent dissing Metal,just the Neo-Nazi wanabee's who give Black Metal a bad name.

I cant stand intolerant jerks who will try to demean someones musical preference,no matter what type of music it is.

[ 21 August 2001: Message edited by: jurucyber ]
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby were on Sun Aug 19, 2001 7:09 am

cape breton,Nova scotia as u know

i'll leave it at that..we're having a BOG callcenter dealin with coputer/tech services an dit will hire 900+ plus jobs!

steamline its called

ONLY promising thing going on around here except the KFC/taco bell suppose to be coming back here.It was torn down because it was unionized...
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So where is everyone from? and a bunch of other ?'s

Postby ivwshane on Sun Aug 19, 2001 9:39 am

Uh thanks but I'll pass.
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Postby Helen Le Fey on Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:00 am

Guys! Please tell me some more about about Norway! I love that country and It´s culture. I so wanna live there!
Well, I´m from Brazil (just body, cuz my soul is from norway), and as you can see I´m not really adapted to here. The Brazilian weather sux, the governmet is worser and if you find something cool here... you are mistaken. Seriously, I really don´t belong here.
I lived in USA when i was a child, and I really aprecciated living there. I love to speak english (although I don't speak very well).

Is anyone here from Norway? Does anybody likes vikkings or celtics? (Just for Knowing!)
I´m allure by north European´s culture!!!
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:54 am

Errr hello there new person. Welcome to PCB!

Thats a seriously old post you responded to lol

I dont know much about Norway other than its beautiful in the winter covered in a thick coating of snow and beautiful in the summer with hills and mountains and fjords.

Alcohol is expensive so when you move there, invite me over every now and then and I'll bring you a load of booze from duty free ;)

Sports are abundant in the winter and summer with all sorts of things you can do. The air is clean and so are the streets.

I only saw Olso but while I was there I didnt see a single piece of litter on the streets and even in the evening when people were out drinking and things I didnt once feel threatened which is a lot more than i can say for the UK.
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Postby Zep on Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:46 pm


This chick is from Norway.

Boo ya!
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Jul 08, 2005 3:00 pm

BOOM!! Bet she could suck a golf ball through a hose pipe that one!! :lol:
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Postby ivwshane on Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:23 am

Damn!! a four year old post!!

How the hell did Helen Le Fey find it! and why did they feel the need to respond to it?
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Postby Silverhaze on Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:49 pm

Innit tho!!

And the person didnt even bother to reply!!

Just as I thought we had a chick on the board too. Pfft.
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Postby were on Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:21 am

her? responding to a 4 year old post....

some odd there...
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