Hey Silverhaze....

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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Fri Jul 13, 2001 4:16 am

I just got Fruity Loops v3.1.1 off of a warez site. It is a huge improvement over my old version (2.71 pro)

Funny.... they call the cheaper version with less features the 'pro' version.

Anyway, it's got loads of features. If you want it I'll upload it somewhere; I'd like to hear what someone else can do with this program because I suck! Well, maybe I'm not that bad, but why doesn't anything ever turn out the way I envision it? (rhetorical question, don't answer)

I'm also wondering how it compares to Cubase, which I've never used.

If somebody else would like it, they're welcome to it, too. I'm bringing it to SH's attention because he's the only other person I know here that likes to make music on the PC.
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby Silverhaze on Fri Jul 13, 2001 1:26 pm

FL Works on a completely different system to CubaseVST, Logic Platinum and Cakewalk type programs. They are all sequencers and work by playing both audio (samples etc) and sending MIDI signals to your various instruments be they internal or external. Effects can be run over pretty much any sound that is coming out of the computer but they are much more demanding on your system resources. FL has all its instruments built into it and they are triggered in a slightly different way.

Its difficult to explain unless you compare the two on the screen. I'm not sure whether FL can import samples and that sort of thing.

I'd like to give it a go, I'm always up for trying out a new piece of software. How big is it and so long as its not over 5-6mb I'll download it at home tonight if you can up it somewhere. That would be excellent!!

I think the main difference between the programs is the flexibility. What you can do with each sound is more restricted with FL but that doesnt mean to say its not good.

Adidas, can you save tunes in a FL format making them small and e-mailable (as FL has all the sounds built in) and do you have a manual for it as I could never make a tune over more than one block before.

FL is taylored more towards the e-jay and music maker markets I think and is primarily a dance oriented piece of software. Pretty much anything can be made with a sequencer like VST. Still, if you can get a good sound out of it then go for it!! I used the old version I had to create samples for use in VST though so its excellent for that although the quality of the sounds wasnt that great. Whats the new version sound like?

Anyway, I'll stop waffling on about it. If you could up it somewhere that would be hella cool lol

Just hope I dont miss south park because I'm playing with music eh?

Cheers bruv!!

[ 13 July 2001: Message edited by: Silverhaze ]
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Fri Jul 13, 2001 4:15 pm

Sounds like you haven't gotten into FL too much, yet. There is a lot you can do with it. If you check out some of the demonstration tunes, you'll get some idea.

I was going to start the upload before I left for work (in a few minutes) but the webspace faker fucked up, I'll have to upload this afternoon. It's just over 10 MB.

The files are gone from the site I got it from, otherwise I'd just give you the link.

You can save it in the FL format to make the music very small in size, as long as you don't import sounds (which you can do, FL will read any wav file)

Shit, I'm running out of time, I gotta get to work.......
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Sat Jul 14, 2001 3:31 am

Ok, finally got it uploaded. If it makes you feel better, it will take you less than half the time to download it than it took for me to upload [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
http://www.visto.com/?service=authentic ... ord=africa

Click the link above, and then click on 'files' The username, password, and the name 'paul' was all created by the webspace faker. I'm not Paul!
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Sat Jul 14, 2001 4:22 am


[ 14 July 2001: Message edited by: adidas ]
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby Silverhaze on Sat Jul 14, 2001 5:08 am

Nice one mate, I suppose I can start the thing downloading and just leave it to get on with it.

If you ever used VST or any other studio music production package you would see the difference between the two but I still cant wait to see what this has to offer.
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby Silverhaze on Sun Jul 15, 2001 4:19 pm

Right, it seemed to go straight in without asking for a password to the hello paul screen. I clicked the files and clicked download so I got them ok but will winace deal with those files? Dont think I have Winrar.
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Sun Jul 15, 2001 7:40 pm

Winace extracts rar files
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby Silverhaze on Mon Jul 16, 2001 2:51 pm

Right, I sorted it out, cheers Adidas.

Seem like its still kind of stuck with the whole technoish feel but its definately has a superior sound to the version I already have. Is there a manual in there with it?

If you see anything else about drop me a line please [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Nice one!!
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Mon Jul 16, 2001 4:10 pm

I think I've got a PDF manual somewhere...
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby adidas on Mon Jul 16, 2001 4:24 pm

Nope, it looks like the best manual around is here: http://www.fruityloops.com/help/

It's pretty thorough. Maybe I can find a PDF manual if I get on Limewire tonight
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Hey Silverhaze....

Postby Silverhaze on Tue Jul 17, 2001 5:30 am

Yeah I'll have a look on there for one too but they are usually quite fat files.

Hmm just noticed something wrong with this post. Ok now though.

[ 16 July 2001: Message edited by: Silverhaze ]
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