Favorite gaming system?

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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Megaman X on Wed May 30, 2001 6:42 am

Wow.....this is a tough one. I've owned just about every system on the market (anyone else ever own a ActionMax? Heheh.)

1) NES = Original games, great memories.
2) Genesis = Sega arcade games!
3) SNES = Super Mario World. Nuf said. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Damian on Wed May 30, 2001 6:44 am

I would have to say Super Nintendo. Although I am old enough to have owned a Nintendo system, I didn't even have a console until 1991 (11 I was then) with the Gameboy. In 1992 my sister got a SNES for her birthday with two killer games SMW and SF2 (Which at the time was £60 + because of it's popularity).

The best thing was that we ordered the symtem ages before her birthday so naturally I had to secretly play it in my bedroom [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] .

I remember the first time I played SF2 it took me a while to get to grips with the special moves especially the Dragon Punch and Ryu was then and still is my favourite. As for Zangief I just gave up, how do you do 360 degree movements with a directional pad and not a joystick?

One of my freinds had a NES when I had an Amiga and the first thing I said when I saw Batman was that the Amiga's graphics were better and he immediately disputed this. The NES was a great machine of course but better graphics then the Amiga? I don't think so.

[ 30 May 2001: Message edited by: DamianMoran ]
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby were on Wed May 30, 2001 8:07 am

i was literally blown away with amiga's rgb colors, crisp grpahics and sound/music on a single disk.

nothing could be better than amiga at the time.the game "unreal" was the king with awesome music on the flying dragon stages...: [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Damian on Wed May 30, 2001 8:27 am

Yes, well I wasn't really including the Amiga because it wasn't purely a gaming system but I must admit it is hard to choose between the two of them. I must say that some of my fondest memories evolve around that computer though, and buying pirate games was so much easier than it is now.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Silverhaze on Wed May 30, 2001 2:07 pm

Damn its too hard a decision to make as they were all great when we first saw them.

The NES was the first console I ever got. It was after having a BBC Micro while my mates were starting to get Atari STs and stuff. Arcade perfect Super Mario Bros!!! That robot thing, Duck Hunt!!! My god, a light gun!!!

Then came my Genesis with Sonic. Damn was that game ever fast and following games were great too.

The SNES had SMW and SF2CE. Nuff said. Damian, I'll try to show you that circular motion some time but it was always tricky to nail first time.

I was older when the N64 came out so that doesnt get onto my list. Sadly the DC doesnt either. Yeah its damn impressive but living in this day and age its not as impressive as those old systems were.

My computers arnt gonna get a mention either as Damian said. They wernt strictly games machines.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby adidas on Wed May 30, 2001 4:04 pm

I had a tough time choosing between NES and SNES myself, because I never had NES until SNES came out. (I was always behind the times for monetary reasons) But SNES almost won me out because it had SF2CE.

And the 360 motion wasn't impossible, but it was very unreliable. It seems that in the later games (on newer systems), they made the motion more forgiving, and a little easier to perform.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Damian on Wed May 30, 2001 4:57 pm

Yeah I forgot to mention that the good old BCC Micro was my first computer as well. We used to use them in school so it was only natural that I get one someday. We went up to London to some other guy's house and he had all of his games spread on the bed (must have been 50 or so I suppose).

I don't know why but I really can't remember any games I had for it except one. It was called Operation something (commando?), yes Operation Commando might have been it and you were a little soldier scrolling right avoiding bullets and jumping extrondanarily high.

Unlike some people I was lucky to have a disc drive as well as a tape loader but a few of the games were on tape and took so damn long to load. The BBC was a good machine, but it never really had what could be called a wealth of decent games for it. There were decent games of course but in my opinion they were fairly thin on the ground. Of course maybe I just got the wrong ones.

Hmm I think I remember getting my BBC emulator working so if anyone has any ideas of a really decent BBC game I might try to get it running.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby adidas on Wed May 30, 2001 5:42 pm

Now I'm not just talking about what everyone's expectations of X-box and Gamecube are. I mean all time favorite system. The one you had the most fun playing.

Number one on my list: Nintendo. Why, you ask? Contra, Double Dragon Series, Castlevania,.... At the time, I was AMAZED by those titles. They're still great today.

I love my Dreamcast, but I don't think it could ever have the same impact that the NES had.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby TheLastKamikaze on Thu May 31, 2001 8:15 am

I?ve been in gaming for a long time now (since COLECOVISION), and hands down my favourite system is the SNES. Followed closely by the NES, then the C64 (for me it WAS a game machine!) and finally the DC.

The SNES had

Super Metroid
Super Mario Kart
Zelda 3
Super Mario RPG
Donkey Kong Country 1 (2&3 weren?t as good)
Final Fantasy 3
SSF2 (I have them all, but hey this one was the best!)

The NES had

Zelda 2

The C64 had

Space Taxi
Mini Putt (by Accolade)
ALIENS (the only movie to game transition ever to have been done right)
The Games series (Summer, Winter, World, California)

The DC

Crazy Taxi
Soul Calibur

These games (and probably a few others I can?t think of right now) are the ones which make these systems. I enjoyed them each the day I got them and every now and again I revisit them just to know what good gaming is all about!

Come on guys, list MORE of your favourites, I like seeing what games everybody likes!
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Silverhaze on Thu May 31, 2001 1:34 pm

Damian man!! The BBC was one of the first home conversion machines out there.

They were all in there from the very early Space Invaders that only had like 3 sounds in the whole game to Sorte (Choplifter)

It had arcade perfect Pac-Man, Defender, Dig-Dug, that track ball game where you stop the missiles hitting your cities, Paratrooper (if that was ever arcade), frogger, Jack & the Beanstalk, Rocket Raid, Donkey Kong etc etc. The list is so long I cant begin to remember them all.

Seriously though, there is a damn shit load of games for the good old BBC Micro.

Any of the ones I mentioned above are well worth playing especially....actually, all of em.

That commando game you played? Wernt fighting in a forest on the first level were you, and when you kill the enemy soldiers they drop their backpacks and give you higher jump powers and machine guns and stuff?

Another killer game for the BBC is Frak! And also Chuckie Egg, Stock Car, and pretty much any of the games I've mentioned so far in my posts.
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby were on Thu May 31, 2001 3:52 pm

i guess so, but i guess for mine would be the 2600

who didn't like outlaw or playin combat or adventure?
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby Damian on Thu May 31, 2001 9:15 pm

Yeah, that is the game Silverhaze! I have fond memories of that. Pretty difficult though, I am not even sure if I made it past the first level lol.
I don't know why I can' remember any more games, damn I had loads of them..wait one is coming back Ok Mike Daley's sports decathlon or something? Anyway a sports game with him in it. And one was this weird isometric adventure game..hmm
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Favorite gaming system?

Postby adidas on Fri Jun 01, 2001 12:23 am

There's a zip file with around 500+ Atari 2600 roms in the roms section, if you're interested were. Z26 is a good emu to use with them.
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