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Spare time for an emu noob?

Postby pannel on Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:28 am

I just started using MAME32 the other day. Now I can play all the old games that I love!

I have lost count of how much money I put into 'Blues Journey' when I was a younger. So when I saw it for download I was pretty excited. After playing it for five minutes I decided I wasn't a very good game critique when I was young. It sucks now! Ahah.

This board has been pretty helpful for when I have had difficulties.

But I have a few questions, if you don?t mind answering them.

If a rom has bad files in it will it appear in the available list in the emulator? How does the emulator decide what roms it will show? Because some games don?t appear, as you will see below.

I'm using MAME32 v0.65 at the moment.
I also have NEBULA 1.8b and NEBULA 1.7.

All the older games seem to work without any hassles at all. On both emulators as well.

These are the roms I have had trouble with.

King of Fighters 2001.
King of Fighters 2002.
Metal Slug 4.


I think one of the files in my is bad.
I get this error in MAME when I try to run it (it does not even appear in the NEBULA list of available roms, even though it is in the rom directory):


MAME will still run the game, but it gives that warning above.

The CRC of the file is: 6C5050CB. I checked and they don?t seem to have a correct CRC for the file so i am unsure of what the correct CRC is.

The file seems to be small, so if someone has one that works. If they could please mail/post it that would be great. My email is


When I place the in the rom directory and refresh the available rom list the game is not available for play. This is in the case of both MAME and NEBULA.

Is there something I need to enter into the NEBULA .ini file to make the game available? I have read this somewhere but I am unsure of what to enter.
Will this game ever work in MAME32?
Do I need to use NEBULA 1.7 to play this rom?

Here are the details of my

The file is 84.7mb.

I have all the files in the from the Neblua dat that are in THIS POST.

There are ALSO two extra files in my These are:

265-m1.bin CRC 7DBAB719
265-v1.bin CRC 15E8F3F5

Do I need these files? What are they doing in there? Can I delete them?

Hopefully this is enough information. Probably too much! Ahah


This game does not appear in my available rom list either. But I think I know why.

When I open the all the files are in the .rom format.
How do I convert them into .bin files that the emulator can recognise?

Thanks SO much for reading this post. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time,

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Postby RabidYak on Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:18 pm

KOF2002 and Metal Slug 4 are disabled in both MAME and Nebula because they are too new. They can be activated in MAME by changing the source code and compiling your own version. Somebody else will have to help you with Nebula and the sets for those two games, I dont use said emu and my interest in newer NG game stops at getting the ones in MAME for completist purposes.

No good dump know means exactly what it says on the tin. You have the correct file for use at the moment, but it isnt a 100% clean and accurate dump of the original ROM chip and will change at a later date if a better one is accquired.

Unfortunatly newer Neo Geo dumps come in lots of different flavors and tend to be a bit messy. This is mainly because the first ones out of the gate are usually dumped by warez idiots who are just interested in kiddie worship and playing the game in shitty dinosaur emulators like NeorageX. If you Stick with the sets that MAME and Nebula use, you should have no major problems.
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Postby pannel on Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:02 pm

Thanks for your post Yak. Most informative!

Since making that post this morning i have become a little more acquainted with the world of roms.

I have got all the games I wanted to play working using Nebula, apart from MetalSlug4, but I hear I?m not missing out on much there! I think I need a new .zip of it.

I think I probably like Nebula best for the Neo Geo and Capcom games, due to the advanced graphics options. But OMG the interface is SHOCKING!

The problem is that i need a couple of game pads now!

Can anyone suggest some brands/models? When I say game pad I mean what one uses on their console. I?m running XP if that makes any difference toward game pad recommendations


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Postby RabidYak on Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:34 pm

LOL, looks like the board doesent like NG games much.

Most PC gamepads are shite, your best bet if youve got any playstation pads lying around is to get a USB adaptor for them.

If you'e got the cash and the will for it, you cant go wrong with a decent arcade stick like the Hot Rod SE or X-Arcade. I've got the latter and joypads really are no substitute for proper arcade controls.
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Postby ivwshane on Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:21 pm

As far as using controllers for neo geo I like to use the simple but effective gravis gamepad pro USB.
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Postby release on Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:58 am

If you download the version of Mame in the following post you'll be able to play MS4, Kof2002 etc...


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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:24 pm

Yeah thats the version of mame that Damian compiled. He often does one with the release of Mame32 to remove those annoying OK screens and open up the games that are disabled such as the ones you want to play.

MS4 is a bit boring if you ask me. Seems to have been created for the sole purpose of credit munching and I know thats the idea of pretty much all coin op games but MS4 is just silly.

Id do as Yak reccomends if you dont mind putting your card details on the net and a little wait for delivery as there is not a single pad for PC that is any good. People vouch for the sidewinder a lot but I still think thats pretty crap.

I have a Gravis Pro (cos I didnt know any better. PS rip off) The buttons are ok but as usual with PC pads the D-pad bloody sucks. Its not even vaguly cross shaped which is a right pain in the arse for going in a straight line.
The other is a Logitech Wingman on which the d-pad is so massive you'd need a 3lbs thumb to control it properly and the buttons, although nicely positioned, are far too small and close together.

Check out some reviews, you might find something.

On a different note, there is a new stick available for the PS2 which goes with the new mortal kombat game. The box is pretty small which says a lot just from that and the bastard is 60 notes!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
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Postby adidas on Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:36 am

I use the dreaded Sidewinder pads, and I am probably the only person on the planet who will admit to liking them.

The PSX pad adapter works well though, great for PSX emulation ;)
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Postby Damian on Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:49 am

I liked the GAMEPORT Sidewinder, but only the USB version works on my machine and that has incorrect directional inputs, making it impossible to do special moves in fighting games.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:31 am

Sooooooooo THATS why you beat me on the PC but I beat you on the DC :D
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Postby Sabin on Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:55 pm

As far as gamepads go, i use the thrustmaster firestorm dual power. Great pad for pretty much anything you want to play. Check it out on their website. Personally i would take one of these over a dualshock any day. I have also heard some very good things about the saitek p880 i think its called.
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