I remember back in 1998 when I first stumbled upon my sweetheart's "ZSnes" CD. I couldn't believe that I could actualy play Super Nes games on my computer. Although not the same as actualy hooking up the system to a TV and playing with the original controlers, it gave me a warm feeling knowing that I could play any game for that console.
A quick search on the Internet showed that not only could I also play any Nes, Master System, Amiga, Atari, Megadrive or even most Arcade games made me titter like the school kid that I was.
Today, almost a decade on, emulation still pleases me the same way it did back then. I can only hope that the makers of ZSnes, Mame, Gens etc.. know that there are people out there who really appreciate there work which keeps good quality games available in a market that is ever growing into a technological stampede.
I can only hope that, with the help of more powerful hardware, that "next gen" systems get the emulation treatment so that games enthusiasts will be able to still play their favourite old games.
Nostalgic graphics shouldn't be laughed at, for how would we have got where we are today without them?