Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby Damian on Tue Sep 04, 2001 8:20 am

And there is a definite performance boost. Now games run full speed, but the larger ones need some time to "settle down" in RAM.

Neo-Geo emulation seems spot on, I really couldn't see any faults in the games I tried. One plus about Nebula is the option to save default controls which saves a lot of fiddleing.
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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby mr rom on Wed Sep 05, 2001 8:40 am

Nebula Sucks. period. but i might as well try out the NeoGeo support, maybe it'll run KoF99/98 and Garou without pausing to load data into the memory.
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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby Silverhaze on Wed Sep 05, 2001 8:32 pm

What ever happened to NRX?? So far that has been my favourite NG emu by a long shot. My NG roms that work in mame have out grown it now though and very few of them still work with it.
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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby mr rom on Thu Sep 06, 2001 8:09 pm

hell yeah, NRX ownz. but i have i little prob with it. when i play KoF98/99 and Garou, every 30 seconds or so it pauses slightly to load data into memory. i'm not sure if i need fore memory, or a faster comp. i think it might be both.
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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby Damian on Fri Sep 07, 2001 12:13 am

Sounds to me like you have 64megs of RAM and the data is tinkering between virtual and real memory. Anything 200MHZ plus will run anything in NRX so get more RAM to prevent this, or restart your computer and leave the game running for fifteen minutes or so, so that it settles down.

On to Nebula, well on your spec (3xx?) of course it will suck in fact those with higher end systems sometimes don't use it as it takes longer to load than FB etc. But it's a question of what you want really. Sick of all the graphical glitches in SSF2, SFA2, MSH, XMVSSF etc? Nebula supports full raster effects and tile banking so all those problems disappear making the game seem all that more authentic.

Tired of having to download save states to use secret characters or fiddle with difficult cheats? Nebula has in built cheats which makes cheating easy.

Also, it has an easy to use Shots Factory which is useful for making animated GIFS etc.

All a question of what you want really.
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Tried Nebula 1.9 today..

Postby mr rom on Fri Sep 07, 2001 2:00 am

i've got a 333mhz 96mb Ram.

i didn't know Nebula had a shotsfactory. that's cool. might as well try it out. maybe it'll make my Gif ripping a bit easier. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
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