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Postby RabidYak on Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:31 pm

Since SH insisted via XBL message (that I couldent reply to since MS are too tight to let non-paying users send them), its a thread about Crackdown on the 360.

In short, its an open ended city game where you play a super powered police agent with the task of wiping out 3 stereotypical gangs - Mexican bandits, London-style eastern European immigrants and a bunch of Japanese guys led by a dude called Wang. The more you kill, collect bonus markers, drive dangerously and do novelty tasks, the more you evolve into a one man army capable of jumping up buildings, driving even more dangerously, killing people with single kicks and shooting them in the face from great distances.

What really makes the game though is that it is legitimately open and non-linear. You can do what you want, when you want and in any way you want within the scope of the game engine. You can spend all day exploring the city, you can requisition any car you see to go stunting or you can just cruise around looking for villains to pick fights with. If you want to carry a car onto the roof of a building and drive it off, you can do that. If you want to go clay pigeon shooting with dead bodies and rocket launchers, you can do that as well.

The actual object of the game is to assassinate the senior members of each gang to weaken its strength, before killing its boss and mopping up the leftovers to remove them from play permanantly. Once you decide to go after them, you track them down using hints from the game's narrator (or by looking at the map that came in the box, which annoyingly gives it all away) and dispence your own particular brand of justice.

The other element that makes the game great is the city itself, which is big enough to keep you occupied for a day or two with exploring alone and has all the elements of a working metropolis like motorways and an industrial estate. Impressively, the game engine has a virtually limitless draw distance for the buildings and there are no loading times at all as you move around the city unless you skip directly to another point via a resupply point. Its also fully populated, with plenty of pedestrians around to get in the way of the carnage and traffic on the roads that flows fairly realistically. It also cycles througth day and night, with the graphics seamlessly changing between the two and the amount of civillian activity varying accordingly.

The sound and graphics are about what you expect from big event console games thesedays, with the afforementioned draw distances and loadless travelling being the most impressive part of it all. The gameplay is what you make of it and theres plenty to do regurdless of whether you like driving, shooting or platforming. The controls are decent and easily facilitate all the wacky stuff that the game allows, particularly notable is the fact that it has more responsive and accurate movement and jumping controls then most dedicated 3D platform games do.

Overall its a Required purchase if you've got a 360, althougth I should imagine that most folks have got it already.
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Postby Class316 on Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:59 pm

Sounds impressive. Kinda sad that video games are now a downswing for me :?
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:36 pm

Yeah nice review Yak!!

Grab a gold sometime geezer!! ;)

Superb game!! Theres even stuff to do once you've completed it but so far I've not seen a way to begin from the start again with your stats at max. I'd settle for starting again from scratch but I think that will mean physically deleting my save from my HD which Im not keen on doing.

I got the achievement for collecting every one of the green agility orbs last night. Theres something like 400 of them hidden around the game world. Next is the blue hidden orbs. About 50 of those left to get and they're real bastards!!
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Postby Damian on Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:28 pm

Game is definitely too short, I was done with it within 10 or so days; playing casually. I have not got all the acievements, but seems to be little impetus to get them. I must say it makes a good sandbox tech demo of what is to come, I have already seen people complaing about playing other sandbox games like GTA and feeling restricted with the limited jump et al.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:24 am

Yeah just a few complaints from me.

Too short.

Not consistent enough. What looks like an identical jump isnt always as you find he will grab a ledge on one jump but the next time he wont. This often results in a 10 storey fall.

Other than that its amazing fun. I played on my own last night and found just standing on the motorway/freeway shooting out car tyres most entertaining. Sometimes they skid and other times they fly up in the air and land in the sea! I caused a nice pileup :D

Damian have you played it online yet? I was gonna invite you yesterday but you were busy with your other pyrite games ;)
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