Could Nintendo change Wii name?

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Could Nintendo change Wii name?

Postby Silverhaze on Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:58 pm

“We have received over 200,000 e-mails with complaints about the Wii, and the console name has been commonly associated with urine. We have been the target of many jokes, and we strongly believe that it’s a bad thing for the company’s reputation”, says Mike, who works at the marketing department of Nintendo.

Mike also adds that people are not taking this new console very seriously. In a recent poll, they found that 62% of gamers think “Wii” sounds childish, and 49% said they wouldn’t buy the console judging only by its name. The upcoming Nintendo console features an innovative controller, excellent graphic systems and internet connectivity.

I have to admit when I heard the announcement of the Wii name I thought it was a hoax. This is too funny. You can read more at Games for Wii.

Ok ok I know I took the piss (no pun intended) when this was first announced but it says there that 49% of gamers (just under half is a fuck of a lot of people) say they wouldnt buy it because of the name. Well if people are so short sighted they dont deserve to have one and should fuck off and carry on being the PSPoo fanboys they so obviously are!!!

The name of the thing was a laugh but thats the last thing I'd ever worry about!! They could call the system 'Im a shitty nintendoe product' and have the misspelling in the name too and Id still have a go on it before making a decision. Some people need to look past the ends of their petty little noses. You buy a car for its colour? No? Didnt think so!
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Postby were on Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:38 pm

should call it Nii-Fi
n as for nintendo

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Postby Zep on Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:34 pm

I think that "Revolution" was a cool name, especialy since it's going to be an emualtor too.
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Postby Class316 on Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:03 am

Yea Revolution was an awesome name. It meant something. Wii means nothing but something silly.
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Postby Silverhaze on Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:19 pm

Did you see the other names the idiots came up with though? I'd rather have a Wii than a Nintendo GameZone, Nintendo FutureNation or Nintendo GlobalBOX. They sound like a magazine, game shop/store and blatant rip off respectively.

These are the same people that would rather their console was called the Nintendo PENETRATOR or the POWERFIST CUBE or something just because it sounds powerful.

IMO pathetic. Name really means nothing at the end of the day because people are still just gonna say 'Hey dude, wanna play Nintendo'

In fact, why dont nintendo just do that to save all the fucking around??

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Postby were on Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:17 pm

some reason when i think of revolution, i think i like to to dancing for some reason 8)
call it nintendo X

not sure of penetrator.. :lol:
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Postby Pdaimaoh on Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:20 am

Wii is a fucking stupid name. I'm going to buy it first most likely for the probable chance that most FPS games on it play like my beloved lightgun games, but the name absolutely sucks. I'm above judging a thing by it's name, but I'm not above judging the name!

200k, if that's true, what the hairy hell were they doing when the word came down the pike?
remember the Famicom? I don't, it was called the NES here!
remember the Super Famicom? I don't, it was called the Snes!
why the fuck would they call it the Wii in English speaking areas!? That's like naming it Baka for the Japanese market or the Nova for the people that speak Spanish...

Retarded. Pure and simple.
way too late for a name change now, I suppose... but you'd think they'd have someone there, even Reggie should have been a loud voice of concern and dissent.

They should've just stuck with "Revolution". A lot of people were content with that and I never really saw people getting upset with that name.

I'm angry because I know it's going to fuck up their sales and hurt my future choice in games for a system I'm going to buy.
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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:41 am

Good point, I never looked at it from a sales perspective or how that might affect the future of the system.
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