Nintendo bongos!

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Nintendo bongos!

Postby Silverhaze on Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:07 am

Ok I got evacuated from my building at work yesterday because there was some weird ass smell coming from the A/C which turned out to be non-toxic paint fumes in the end but you cant be too safe in the Home OFfice.

Anyway, I had to kill some time between 10.30 and 12.00 so what did I do? Shopping spree!!
Yes, HMV had a sale on and I went in for a peek and got lucky!

Firstly I went upstairs to the DVD section and there in a shiny silver box was the entire first series of Transformers (3 DVD set) reduced from £30 to £15. Purchase number 1.

So then I left the shop happy with my buy and thought Id have a look in Game. Well, I was looking for Mario Party 6 reduced but thats still full price and then I noticed the DK Bongo set with Jungle Beats for £37.99. Wow, still fucking full price after all this time!!
So I left Game and visited the other Game in croydon, same deal there and no they dont sell bongos on their own, try the internet. Fucker. (Ive had a small look and cant find bongos on their own anywhere online)

So off I trot to a small independent game store, they HAD a set but had sold it. They had MP6 a bit cheaper but still £35 and no bongo games.

Well I walked back past work and still had a half hour to kill so I went for another last look in HMV. I checked the PC section, yawn, then the Gamecube section...whats this!!! They have a sale on and must be clearing old stock. THeres only a copy of Donkey Konga 2 with no bongos for £15. Bargain I thought, now all I need is to find the bongos online. But wait a sec...theres a Jungle Beats set WITH the bongos for what??? No....£15!!!
They had 2 sets there so I bought Konga 2 and both Jungle Beats sets for £45. Yeah yeah I have 2 copies of Jungle Beats 2 but who cares, you cant find even the bongos on their own for £15 a pop!!!

Now, if anybody has these things, yeah they are a bit of a gimmick but man, what a hysterical gimmick they are!!
Seeing the missus thrash away on the bongos to Shiny Happy People I was nearly wetting myself!!!
Jungle Beats is funny but will take some getting used to but overall a top fucking buy!!!
Left right left right CLAP CLAP CLAP!

Sadly, the things register any little remotely clap-like noise as a clap but you can adjust the sensitivity to make that better. THey work really well and its not as easy as it looks either. We havent tried head to head and Im out bowling tonight so I wont get the chance. I'll report back when Ive tried it though. Im worried you will have to sit really far apart to stop one player's clap registering on the other player.
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Postby Zep on Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:18 pm

That's the the best day ever.
God gave me everything I want!

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Postby Silverhaze on Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:02 am

Ok if you really want a good laugh, get your hands on some of these bongos.

Me and the missus played some Duet the other night and its not just a case of both of you hitting the same notes. You each play a different set which sometimes merge together to be the same but mostly you play off eachother. One hitting a pattern and then the other hitting a slightly different pattern or both doing different patterns at the same time. I laughed my arse off!!

Obviously its a lot more fun in multiplayer but even on single player the people watching get a really good laugh as you thrash away on the bongos to a bad cover version of Mr Boombastic by Shaggy LMAO!!!

Does take its toll on your hands though, theres only so much clapping a person can do and some of the songs are a bit clap happy too.

If you get the opportunity to try a bit of Donkey Konga 2 or even the original I suppose then go for it. I guarantee it will have you laughing in no time.

Once you adjust the sensitivity of the mic on the bongos you can play away problem free and even though your claps will be picked up by your partners mic the game is written in a way that allows it to register both a clap AND hit on the bongo at the same time so it doesnt mistake your partners claps as your own and register them instead of the bongo hits you are actually making.
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