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Postby geesehoward on Thu Sep 12, 2002 1:02 am

don't get me wrong, i'm not heartless, and my deepest sympathy goes to these people, but isn't this a bit much? seems like this is getting way outta hand.

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Postby adidas on Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:02 am

Yeah, there's too much of it thrown in your face. Luckily (I guess?) I have absolutely no time for TV anymore and haven't even turned mine on in about a week. At work I listened to a radio station that barely breathed a word about the anniversary.

I really should have taken more time for contemplation, but time is a commodity that I don't have a lot of any more.

I did think a lot about the anniversary on the way to school today. A guy who I always greet at my apartment building (I do not even know his name) happened to be around as I was leaving for classes. I asked how he was doing, and he said it hadn't been a good day.... an unusual answer for a casual acquaintance who you never say more than "Hello, how are you?" to.

It turns out that his younger brother was a member of the NYFD....
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Postby M on Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:35 am

It's a sad fact, but for those who actually lost someone or knew someone that lost someone in the disaster take is more to heart while those who were almost uneffected by it all see it as almost an annoyance. I'm stuck in between these. It'a huge loss and I do mourn for those that were lost, but it is in someways an annoyance.

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Postby Silverhaze on Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:12 am

My deepest sympathy goes out to the relatives of those that lost their lives but I also agree its a bit much. A world wide minute of silence.

I dont want to make out that I dont care but what about the 30,000 people that die each week from starvation? Or the thousands that lost their lives in Hiroshima and Nagasake? Theres no worldwide rememberance for those poor people.
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Postby Class316 on Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:43 pm

The funny thing is, I have yet to hear or read one single word of condolence with South Africans and Rhodesians who have been victims of terrorist attacks since the 1980's when black terrorists, under the guise of ?freedom fighters?, carried out the most brutally savage campaign against all - both white and black - moderates to overthrow the previous government.

Landmines were planted on country roads, blowing up innocent farmers and their families; bombs were planted in restaurants, schools and shopping centers, killing and maiming innocent civilians; even blacks were executed in the most hideous methods of torture by ?necklacing?, (for those who don't know this term - a victim was dragged before a kangaroo-court, found guilty of ?collaborating with the enemy,? in other words, they were anti-ANC, anti-communist; the victim's hands were often chopped off and his arms tied behind his back with wire, a gasoline-soaked motor vehicle tire was placed around his neck and this was set alight... Needless to say, the victim slowly roasted to death...).

Today the acts of terrorism continue - over 1300 of our white commercial farmers have thus far been raped, tortured and murdered by the pro-ANC/communist factions (even black farmers are being targeted, but the numbers are unknown). Black-on-black and black-on-white violence is still rife in both countries today.

You all know what has happened is still happening in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). I need not repeat the atrocities there, and both countries are literally at the mercy of these sub-human savages.

Yet the world doesn't give a damn, and the media covering it up. And why? Because the world wants to see all whites wiped out

These countries just don't count and if they are victims of terrorism, like they are there, the probably reasoning is: "It's their own fault - they deserve it for oppressing the poor, innocent blacks...?


You bet I'm angry over the double standards being applied... :evil:

And let's say 3000 died on 9-11,

Here are some other numbers that might put things into perspective:

Death toll at Pearl Harbor : 4376

Battle of Gettysburg : approximately 28,000

Allied bombing of Cologne, Germany : approximately 90,000

Allied bombing of Dresden, Germany : approximately 500,000

Why not mourn for all these???

The funny thing is, the US is making a campaign against Saddam instead of addressing the REAL threat. 9-11 was not carried out by Arabs in Iraq. It wasn?t even Arabs in Afghanistan! They were ARABS IN THE UNITED STATED OF AMERICA!! Yep, the enemy is WITHIN, not halfway across the globe!! And since 9-11 about 100,000 potential terrorists were let in the USA in the form of Arabs/Muslims!! They keep whining about Saddam and the people that died instead of addressing the REAL problem: BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN!!

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Postby Silverhaze on Thu Sep 12, 2002 10:00 pm

I could go into rememberance sunday, I assume the US has some equivalent......but I wont.
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Postby M on Fri Sep 13, 2002 12:25 am

Class, not to sound rude, but you seriously need to stop with all the BS and just live your life. It's getting rather annoying. We really don't care how you think on politics, racism, etc. We're just here to have a good time.

- M
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Postby Class316 on Fri Sep 13, 2002 1:05 am

YelloMichael wrote:Class, not to sound rude, but you seriously need to stop with all the BS and just live your life. It's getting rather annoying. We really don't care how you think on politics, racism, etc. We're just here to have a good time.

Umm?.I didn?t even start the thread, and others besides me started talking in this manner, so I just replied!
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Postby Silverhaze on Fri Sep 13, 2002 8:06 am

I agree with you Yello, Class you just go way OTT most of the time and that new sig is a piece of shit. Yeah I dislike these pricks too but I dont shove it in other people's faces. I hate the fact that there are fundamentalists in the UK celebrating 9/11 and that pic of that one guy dancing outside a mosque holding a pic of one of the terrorists while a white protestor nearby got arrested (admittadly he had a knife but these people need to fuck off back to wherever they came from and celebrate there.

I just dont come to this board to broadcast that fact. As Old Yella said, we come here for a laugh not to get irritated.

The post you made in this thread I happen to agree with in most respects so its not this particular one that I am talking about.

I enjoy some of your posts only to get to the bottom of the post and decide not to reply because there is some ugly sig there at the bottom waiting to piss me off.
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Postby geesehoward on Fri Sep 13, 2002 3:18 pm


three terror suspects have been nabbed near Florida

how perfect, a terror attack on friday the 13th

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