The 2004 Christmas banning thread

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Postby Class316 on Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:05 pm

strange things happen around Christmas

I walked into a national chain store and was delighted to see Christmas ornaments everywhere. "Here", I thought, "this place is Christmas friendly". It was nice to see Christmas alive and well. My joy was short lived. As I was passing by an isle full of Christmas decorations I noticed a fake Christmas tree in a box named "Holiday Tree".
"Hmm" i thought, "isn't it strange? why would they call it a Holiday Tree?"
then I saw another box with Santa in it, except his name wasn't on it. Then
a box of "Holiday Glass decoration" then a box of "Holiday Angels" and another of "Holiday Ornaments". "What the heck is going on here?" I thought. "Where is the word Christmas?" I started searching items but couldn't find the word "Christmas" anywhere. Everything was "Holiday".
Needless to say, I was shocked and saddened. I felt like someone wacked me with a frying pan. I found my "Holiday Cups" and as i was walking out of the store a mechanical singing and dancing Santa was performing under a great arched sign with huge "Happy Holidays" written on it. Suddenly, I heard Santa sing out the word "Christmas".
That made me happy, I looked at him and said "I wont tell if you don't, Santa"
Somehow I knew he heard me. Although his body ran on batteries he was
alive in spirit.
Strange things do happen around Christmas!
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Postby Class316 on Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:23 pm

A town in Florida has been sued for barring a privately funded Nativity scene from being displayed on public property while allowing religious Jewish symbols throughout the city.

The Thomas More Law Center announced yesterday it has filed a suit against Bay Harbor Islands, Fla. According to a statement from the group, the town has adorned its lampposts with Jewish menorahs and stars of David to commemorate Hanukkah and has allowed a synagogue to display its 14-foot Menorah in the most prominent public location at the entrance of the city.

Officials, however, have denied multiple requests by Christian resident Sandra Snowden to display Nativity scenes purchased with her own money in a similar manner.

Thomas More says last week Snowden was denied permission to display the crèches for a second consecutive year.

"As we approach Christmas, we are once again confronted with a town that believes it is legally acceptable to discriminate against Christian religious symbols celebrating this holy season," said Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center. "This is one of the most outrageous examples of such discrimination." ... E_ID=41743

This is democracy Jewish style in action.

Jews are barely 3% of the US population

And yet they are crying about their new major problem, the December dilemma and demanding that we take down our Christmas decorations because it is offensive to them. On the other hand, Jewish symbols can run amuck! :evil:

It really goes to show the influence of Jews in modern day politics!
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Postby Class316 on Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:06 pm


This is the Nativity scene cherished by millions of Britons at Christmas.

Yet politically correct jobsworths call it “offensive” and are banning it in their drive to obliterate festive traditions.

The Sun is today launching a campaign to save Christmas — by turning back the tide of “politically correct” meddling that threatens to destroy it.

Festive traditions are facing gradual extinction thanks to barmy bureaucrats who WRONGLY believe they are offensive to followers of religions other than Christianity.

The list of endangered customs is growing by the day. In many offices, factories, schools and tourist attractions across Britain:

NATIVITY scenes and the words Merry Christmas are being erased from greetings cards.

DECORATIONS such as tinsel and baubles can no longer be put up.

STAFF are banned from enjoying Christmas lunch or parties, and

CAROL services cannot be advertised.

Stores are closing Santa’s grottos. And even Tony Blair has jumped on the bandwagon.

One of the cards being sent out this year by the PM — a committed Christian — omits the C-word and just says: “Best wishes for the New Year.”,,2-2004571220,00.html

So after the BNP mentions all this on their site the mainstream media wants to catch on :roll:
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Postby Class316 on Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:59 pm

School Removes Christian Portion Of ''Holiday Play'', KEEPS KWANZAA AND CHANUKAH

Some Mustang parents were upset Wednesday after a public school official removed Christian symbols and music from an elementary school's holiday program.

Children at Mustang's Lakehoma Elementary School were originally supposed to discuss all religious activities of the season during the school's 22nd annual holiday play. However, Superintendent Karl Springer ordered the Christian portion of the program removed because of legal concerns.

Parent Shelley Lewallen told KOCO-TV that she is furious about the school's decision to ban the nativity scene and the song "Silent Night" from the program. She said she didn't understand why a program that also discusses traditions such as Kwanzaa and Chanukah would not include the story of Christ's birth.

"My daughter plays the piano, and she sings 'Silent Night' to me ... I love that Christmas song," Lewallen said. "What is that offending? Who is that making so mad that you had to take it out of a fifth-grade program?"

The problem, according to Springer, is that the play highlighted the Christian story above the other religious and cultural traditions. He said a non-Christian community member who saw the program and was offended could have held the taxpayer-funded school district accountable in court.

"I just could not break the law," Springer said. "We may have sins of omission occasionally, but we won't have sins of commission. If I know about something that I believe to be against the law, (then) we will take action on it." ... etail.html

This is another blatant double standard! I dare ANYONE on earth to tell me that my ideas/beliefs are wrong!
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Postby Class316 on Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:51 pm

Church bosses blast BNP

Church bosses have accused the far-tight British National Party of stirring up racial tensions with a 'Campaign For A Real Christmas'.

Anglican leaders in the Midlands said the BNP was using misleading ‘politically correct’ stories as propaganda to promote its extreme views.

The fascist party launched its campaign after claiming nativity scenes, and even Father Christmas, were being banned for fear of upsetting other faiths.

But Gavin Drake, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Lichfield, said Christmas traditions were as strong as ever.

“There have been a number of reports that Yuletide celebrations in the Midlands were being abandoned due to politically correct concerns,” he said. “This is simply not true.

“The only people to be offended by Christmas are middle-class white people. Other religions, including Muslims, Jews and Hindus, are not. This ‘politically correct’ minority just gives strength to the BNP.

I guess todays church leaders would consider ''Campaign For A Real Christmas'' as extremist.

Birmingham’s Bullring recently came under fire for allegedly abandoning traditional Yuletide festivities, including Father Christmas, for fear of offending non-Christians.

And Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been accused of crushing festive celebrations by replacing the seasonal holiday with a nondenominational Winterfest.

But a spokeswoman for the Bullring said: “It is utterly wrong to say that we have ditched Santa Claus for politically correct reasons.

“In fact, we were approached by Birmingham City Council, like other city centre retailers, and asked if we would like to contribute to a big Santa’s grotto for the whole city. That is what we have done.

“The grotto in Centenary Square is part of a winter wonderland with hundreds of real Christmas trees, dazzling lighting effects, presents and sumptuous refreshments.

“And far from being banned from the shopping centre, Father Christmas can be found in two of our stores - Debenhams and Selfridges.

“The Bullring is adorned with Christmas celebrations and festive musical entertainment is being performed there by Christmas choirs, the Salvation Army and Gospel singers.”

A spokeswoman for Stoke-on-Trent City Council said: “As well as celebrating Christmas, we have introduced a three-and-a-half month Winterfest.

“Christmas is at the centre of these festivities. Ten of the events planned have got Christmas in the title, the Salvation Army are featured, as is a nativity play.

“We introduced the festival to brighten up winter, not to kill Christmas.”

But a spokesman for the BNP said: “We are doing what the church should be doing - defending our Christian cultural heritage.

“Accusations that we are supporting racism through this campaign are typical comments we’d expect to hear from a woolly headed liberal.” ... _page.html
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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:46 am

On the up side we now have a Santa's grotto in Croydon and a few in some of the shops too.
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Postby Class316 on Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:28 am


One in four teachers say their schools are not putting on Christmas carol services, according to a survey.

Meanwhile, more than one in seven primary staff claim there will be no Nativity play staged this year, the Times Educational Supplement said.

Some 59% of teachers said schools would put on a non-religious end-of-term celebration, many citing pupils' wide range of faiths as the reason.

Mori researchers interviewed 789 teachers in England and Wales.

'Run on tea-towels'

Of these, 28% said some form of multi-faith celebration was being staged.

In other news, we now have the final nail in Europe's coffin :(


BRUSSELS, Belgium (CNN) -- The European Union and Turkey reached agreement Friday on a deal that will allow Turkey to begin negotiations next year on full membership of the union.

The deal sidesteps an EU demand that Turkey immediately recognize the Greek Cypriot-led government of Cyprus.

Under the terms of the deal, Turkey does not have to sign immediately a customs union agreement that would effectively recognize the Cypriot government.

Instead, the language of the deal says that the customs union pact must be signed by the time talks begin on Turkey's EU membership in October next year.

"It is an historic event," said British Prime Minister Tony Blair. "It shows that those who believe there is a fundamental clash of civilizations between Christians and Muslims are actually wrong; that they can work together; that we can cooperate together. And I think that is of fundamental importance for the future of peace and prosperity." ... index.html
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Postby Class316 on Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:09 pm

'Christmas is taboo in America, but now people are fighting back'

If you think celebrations in Britain are becoming too politically correct then don't go to the US. Philip Sherwell reports

For her son's school "holiday party" last week, Julie West baked a birthday cake for the baby Jesus - a gesture of defiance both against his teachers and the growing campaign in America to remove any trace of Christmas from public life.

Six-year-old Aaron had brought home a note from his school, in Washington state, that asked parents to provide food that their family traditionally enjoyed during the holiday season.

"He asked for the cake I make at Christmas with the words 'Happy Birthday Jesus'," said Ms West. "I called the school to let them know, but a few days later the teacher phoned back to say that I couldn't bring the cake as the party was not a religious event."

Ms West, who attends a non-denominational church in Edmonds, near Seattle, was amazed. "It wasn't an attempt to impose my beliefs on anyone. It was just a cake," she said. "I think all traditions and religions should be celebrated at this time of year."

In Wichita, Kansas, a local newspaper ran an apology after referring to a "Christmas tree", rather than a "community tree" at the city's Winterfest celebration. In Denver, a Christian church float was barred from the city's parade while Chinese lion dancers and German folk dancers were welcomed. In parts of Florida, fir trees have been banned this year from government-owned property.

A mayor in Massachusetts issued a formal apology to anyone offended by a press release that mistakenly described the town of Somerville's holiday party as a "Christmas party". Schools in Florida and New Jersey have banned all carols and elsewhere in Washington state a school principal banned a production of A Christmas Carol mainly because Tiny Tim prays: "God bless us, every one."

In one New Jersey school district, where the singing of Christmas carols has long been abandoned, officials have this year forbidden children's orchestras to play songs such as Silent Night because that might remind people of their Christian content.

Frosty the Snowman and Winter Wonderland have, however, been deemed acceptable as they are devoid of any religious references.

"The majority of people in the towns think that this policy is unnecessary," said William Calabrese, the town president (mayor) of South Orange. "This feels like a slap in the face to diversity, not a symbol of it. They're sterilising the school systems, taking away freedom of choice. It's a type of totalitarianism."

The fightback, however, has begun. Showdowns are taking place across the country as individuals, and conservative and religious groups, come out against the zealous interpretation of the separation of Church and state.

In Chicago, a Nativity scene has been given police protection after a life-sized model of the infant Christ was briefly stolen before being recovered earlier this month.

"This has been getting worse for years and people have finally had enough," said John Whitehead, the founder of the Rutherford Institute, which has issued its own "Twelve Rules of Christmas" setting out people's religious rights.

"Political correctness is all-pervasive here. Christmas has become a taboo in America but now people are fighting back."

In the Oklahoma City suburb of Mustang, voters angered by a school board's decision to remove a Nativity scene from a school play demonstrated their fury at the ballot box last week. They rejected the board's plans to raise $11 million (£5.7 million) by issuing bonds.

The Chicago Nativity has been at the centre of controversy since the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Jewish Congress and the American Atheists launched a legal challenge against its location on public property.

Their case was thrown out because the scene was erected by a private group. This year, at least, other expressions of religious freedom are also being allowed in the city.

While President Bush's holiday greetings card, posted to a record two million recipients this year, carries a line from Psalm 95 – "Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song" – there is no mention of Christmas on the White House website. Even Fox News, the conservative television network, cannot bring itself to wish a merry Christmas to its viewers. Instead, "Happy Holidays" is flashed up to the tune – but not the words – of Ding Dong Merrily on High. ... world.html
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Postby Zep on Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:48 pm

Went to Wood Green Shopping Centre (ghetto central) to get a few last minute gifts. I always remember going there when I was a lad arounbd Christmas just to see Santa. This year they had an Indian guy taking pictures of kids against a blue background and a digital snowscape background.

God gave me everything I want!

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Postby Class316 on Sun Dec 19, 2004 3:01 pm

Zep wrote:Went to Wood Green Shopping Centre (ghetto central) to get a few last minute gifts. I always remember going there when I was a lad arounbd Christmas just to see Santa. This year they had an Indian guy taking pictures of kids against a blue background and a digital snowscape background.


Support the BNP if you want Santa (and Christmas in general) back!
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Postby Class316 on Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:21 am

A Jew exposes the Jewish grinch who stole Christmas

I never thought I'd live to see the day that Christmas would become a dirty word. You think it hasn't? Then why is it that people are being prevented from saying it in polite society for fear it will offend?

Schools are being forced to replace "Christmas vacation" with "winter break" in their printed schedules. At Macy's, the word is verboten even though they've made untold millions of dollars from their sympathetic portrayal in the Christmas classic, "Miracle on 34th Street." Carols, even instrumental versions, are banned in certain places. A major postal delivery service has not only made their drivers doff their Santa caps, but ordered them not to decorate their trucks with Christmas wreaths.

How is it, one well might ask, that in a Christian nation this is happening? And in case you find that designation objectionable, would you deny that India is a Hindu country, that Pakistan is Muslim, that Poland is Catholic? That doesn't mean those nations are theocracies. But when the overwhelming majority of a country's population is of one religion, and roughly 90 percent of Americans happen to be one sort of Christian or another, only a damn fool would deny the obvious.

Although it seems a long time ago, it really wasn't, that people who came here from other places made every attempt to fit in. Assimilation wasn't a threat to anyone – it was what the Statue of Liberty represented. E pluribus unum, one out of many, was our motto. The world's melting pot was our nickname. It didn't mean that any group of people had to check their customs, culture or cuisine, at the door. It did mean that they, and especially their children, learned English, and that they learned to live and let live.

That has changed, you may have noticed. And I blame my fellow Jews. When it comes to pushing the multicultural, anti-Christian agenda, you find Jewish judges, Jewish journalists, and the American Civil Liberties Union, at the forefront.

Being Jewish, I should report, Christmas was never celebrated by my family. But what was there not to like about the holiday? To begin with, it provided a welcome two-week break from school. The decorated trees were nice, the lights were beautiful, "It's a Wonderful Life" was a great movie, and some of the best Christmas songs were even written by Jews.

But the dirty little secret in America is that anti-Semitism is no longer a problem in society – it's been replaced by a rampant anti-Christianity. For example, the hatred spewed toward George W. Bush has far less to do with his policies than it does with his religion. The Jews voice no concern when a Bill Clinton or a John Kerry makes a big production out of showing up at black Baptist churches or posing with Rev. Jesse Jackson because they understand that's just politics. They only object to politicians attending church for religious reasons.

It is the ACLU, which is overwhelmingly Jewish in terms of membership and funding, that is leading the attack against Christianity in America. It is they who have conned far too many people into believing that the phrase "separation of church and state" actually exists somewhere in the Constitution.

You may have noticed, though, that the ACLU is highly selective when it comes to religious intolerance. The same group of self-righteous shysters who, at the drop of a "Merry Christmas" will slap you with an injunction, will fight for the right of an American Indian to ingest peyote and a devout Islamic woman to be veiled on her driver's license.

This is a Christian nation, my friends. And all of us are fortunate it is one, and that so many Americans have seen fit to live up to the highest precepts of their religion. Speaking as a member of a minority group – and one of the smaller ones at that – I say it behooves those of us who don't accept Jesus Christ as our savior to show some gratitude to those who do, and to start respecting the values and traditions of the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens, just as we keep insisting that they respect ours.

Merry Christmas. ... E_ID=41978
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Postby Class316 on Tue Dec 21, 2004 12:44 am

AUSTRALIA risked losing its national identity as “crazy Western secularists” by banning Christ-mas out of fear of offending minorities, an academic said yesterday.

Griffith University Prof Wayne Hudson said making the country “religiously neutral” this Christmas was crazy, instead arguing Australia should be open to celebrating various religious festivals.

“If we dont have Christ-mas and Anzac Day and things like this, we dont have any culture were in danger of losing our public identity,” he said. ... _id=863912
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Postby Class316 on Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:09 pm

At this rate, here is how Europe will be in 2100: ... ntid=29399
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Postby Tenseiken on Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:33 pm

All of this sounds good to me.
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Postby Class316 on Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:20 pm

White santa stamps are racist!!


WASHINGTON (NNPA) – As Black Santa Clauses make special appearances at inner city elementary schools, supermarkets, neighborhoods and parades, the U. S. Postal Service has been distributing a White-only line of Santa postage stamps across America.

“Saint Nicholas on whom the character, Santa Claus, is based, was of Northern European dissent,” asserts Monica Suraci, spokeswoman for the U. S. Postal Service. “These are images of existing glass ornaments that were made in Germany. But certainly it was not an intention to slight any one. Certainly our customers and many people every day petition the Citizen Stamp Advisory Committee. They are the deciding body as to which stamps do get issued.”

White-only images can damage the self-esteem of Black children, says Julia Hare, a psychologist and co-founder of the Black Think Tank in San Francisco.

“Too many children already believe that there is a White Jesus, White angels, anything that we hold in high esteem,” she explains. “Those children are later going to grow out of the Santa Claus phase, but after they grow out of it and they’ve only seen a White Santa Claus, they internalize that,” Hare says.

“It would not have hurt the post office if they were going to put out a Santa Claus stamp, to put both out or not to put one out at all. We do know that a White Santa Claus would be scared to go into the ‘hood where most of these kids are anyway. He wouldn’t be caught in there.” ... 3599&sID=3
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Postby Class316 on Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:05 am

Even JEWS upset at the abolishment of Christmas

Chinese restaurant on the Upper West Side and said, indignantly: "I want to start a movement called Jews for Christmas."

I laughed, then realized he was serious.

We'd been discussing the recent news stories about the ACLU's siege on Christmas symbolism. Christians are protesting all over the country, as well they might. In Oklahoma, mangers are being removed by janitors; in Denver, baby Jesus was banned from their wintertime "Parade of Lights" pageant. The religious whitewashers have done their work in the name of Church/State ideals, but was this not the very thing political correctness was designed to protect against?

I can't follow it anymore.

"We came to this country," my father said, "and the Christians defended our right to worship as we please. George Washington wrote a letter to the Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island reassuring them that Jews were welcome here and would be safe. Now that the Christian religion is under attack, I think we non-Christians should rise up and say to our Christian brothers and sisters, 'Don't bother fighting. We owe you, big time, and we'll fight this one for you.' And then lead a campaign to make sure Christians have the same right to express their religious faith as they've always made sure we have."

When he was a boy in Greensboro, NC, my father sang the "Ave Maria," solo, in the Christmas pageant. He was singled out for the role not because of his singing voice, but because he knew Hebrew and they figured that was closer to Latin than English. Another year, he proudly played a shepherd in the school Christmas play. My grandmother fashioned a crepe-paper-covered corn stalk as a crook, but it lacked a hook; he wondered how he could corral sheep without a hook. She said it was good enough—that the other kids would deal with the sheep—and told him to hush. ... farber.cfm
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Postby Class316 on Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:26 pm

I guess it’s unlikely I’ll find more stuff at this point. The sad thing is if I actually looked hard, I would have found a lot more stuff. I guess that’s it until the Christmas banning thread of 2005.

Happy Holidays*

*Holidays are defined as Hanukah, Ramadan, Kwanza, Buddhist day, Chinese New Year, etc. If you mention Christmas, you will be charged with a hate crime, fired from your job, and sued by the ACLU!
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Postby Damian on Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:02 pm

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Postby Silverhaze on Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:46 pm

Cunts. Yes.
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